Pretend Chat 2.14


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Jun 24, 2015
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I am sorry about your doggy, it is really rough when they take a quick turn for the worst. Take comfort in the fact that it seems that he went quickly and that he was surrounded by people that love him.
And take comfort in the fact that here you are surrounded by people who love animals as much as you do and we feel your pain.


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Jun 24, 2015
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We alerted the landlord to the issues again, this time with a bit more insistence and instead of meeting our requests he has provided us with a 30 day notice. We just had another hole (the 3rd!) open up under the carpet. This one is about 13x18in. I swear that while we are muscular we aren't huge people who Riverdance all over the soft spots. This is ridiculous.

We also received word today from the county that our apartment is not an approved dwelling and he can't legally rent it so we are pursuing that avenue of inquiry as to what we should do next and our rights as tenants who were falsely rented to. Also the law here in OR is that for every intrusion without 24 hour notice you can legally demand 2 months of rent. If we take this to court we will actually be making money on the fact that we rented here.

Yvonne G

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Yes, we had to put him to sleep:(
He was bleeding internally and had cancer.

Oh No! Dang it! I'm so very sorry this happened. I love the picture you posted here for us to see. Such a pretty face.

Yvonne G

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My mother used to start each day with 2 Anacin and a cup of coffee. I couldn't understand it and made fun of her in my mind. Now that I'm her age, I totally get it. I haven't started the aspirin yet, but I totally understand why she needed it. I have an achy back. My knees hurt. My fingers ache. But mainly it's my back. I can see where aspirin is going to be my best friend.


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Thanks everyone! I'm doing surprising well I guess. The baby is a great distraction along with a bunch of laundry.

We are leaving town Friday morning and I need to clean this house for the pet sitter.


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
We alerted the landlord to the issues again, this time with a bit more insistence and instead of meeting our requests he has provided us with a 30 day notice. We just had another hole (the 3rd!) open up under the carpet. This one is about 13x18in. I swear that while we are muscular we aren't huge people who Riverdance all over the soft spots. This is ridiculous.

We also received word today from the county that our apartment is not an approved dwelling and he can't legally rent it so we are pursuing that avenue of inquiry as to what we should do next and our rights as tenants who were falsely rented to. Also the law here in OR is that for every intrusion without 24 hour notice you can legally demand 2 months of rent. If we take this to court we will actually be making money on the fact that we rented here.

Oh, wow!! This landlord is going to be in deep trouble!! Good luck!!!
Do you have pics you can share?
Are others having problems too?


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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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We out in the country above a shop so it is just us. Here's a couple of snaps. The linoleum hole and the big one under the carpet.
And the front room/office/hallway/kitchen (it's 450sq ft ish) so it's all one spot.

1459293587070.jpg 1459293600054.jpg
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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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Whoops house shot - err "storage place" according to the county.

This guy is screwed.

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