Pretend Chat 2.14


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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
Yes I agree with that statement.
I usually throw away what I don't use.


Well-Known Member
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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
I assumed it would be a good fertilizer. I guess tortoises would be much different from other reptiles (snakes/lizards) as they are herbivores. I usually either blast it with a water hose until the pile melts away or dump it on a grow bed for next year's tomatoes.

I never really see urates all that often.
Actually they are omnivores...


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10 Year Member!
Sep 13, 2009
Actually they are omnivores...

Generally speaking I label them as herbivores for the purpose of what I'm investigating, at least mine have a herbivore diet. I do offer sources of animal protein but not often.. Compared to snakes and most lizards, they primarily eat vegetation. And from the subject of poop, I mostly see grass in their droppings, so its probably safe to assume their fecal makeup would resemble that of an herbivore when they munch on plants all day. It may depend on the different microbes too. If I took away the grass and gave them more worms, grubs, and meat that would probably change. So perhaps pH would be the same? Cow poo is pretty neutral, although aged manure can be more alkaline.

Maggie Cummings

She is a beauty.

The thing about Lucretia is she's beautiful inside and out. She used to be a model and now she's in Roller Derby. I usually don't care much for strangers, but she is fun and different and my kind of people. Mike is so damn lucky. Actually so is she. It seems like they have a really good marriage, they get along good and Mike doesn't seem to care that she's the I also should say that Mike is pretty special himself. I really care for them both. Too bad they don't have any room for me. Or lucky for them.....


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10 Year Member!
Sep 13, 2009
I guess long story short, I am preparing some blueberry beds for spring, and thought tortoise poo would work perfect since someone told me reptile feces are acidic, but its probably not as simple as labeling an entire group with one characteristic.

Maggie Cummings

Quick question. Does anyone know the pH of tortoise poo? I'm looking into using it for manure/fertilizer, but curious of the pH. I can always test it later for certain. Long time ago someone said reptile feces were acidic, but that could be from the urates/uric acid. I'm just curious of the brown stuff.

I don't know the PH, but I do know that when Bob was alive I had a spot for his poop. And all the neighbors would come with shovels and buckets in the Spring and we all grew some beautiful stuff. Whatever the PH, it's great fertilizer. I grew, food, flowers and different bushes, and they were bigger and better than Miracle Grow. Use your Sulcata poop without worry.
I dug a hole for the poop and would add old food(tortoise food) and shovel it around regularly. By the time Spring comes around it's just dirt, not familiar poop shapes......


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Jun 24, 2015
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I can think in French for the basics; the words just come out.

Because I'm not as fluent as I was I have to think harder about the vocabulary if the conversation gets longer. I do end up mentally translating before speaking.

I can remember the few times I dreamed in Spanish. One was almost 5 years after I'd finished my 4 years of high school Spanish lessons.
Now 10 years later all I can do is order at Subway and ask where the bathrooms are. Use it or you'll lose it, right?

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Thanks Maggie you're not bad yourself . Got the car broke down .Got some cutting to do .


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10 Year Member!
Sep 13, 2009
How was everyone's sunday? Just got back from a study session for Chordate Anatomy. I'm going to miss that class....

Maggie Cummings


Look at his pose....Not afraid or shy at all.
Thanks Lacey!!!

Maggie Cummings

It's because I copied and pasted. My friend emailed it to me as this Chrome thing wouldn't download it. I freakin give up. But it's now a damn good picture


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Happy Monday!!
I'm sick again and so is my daughter so she didn't bring the baby over today. I plan on taking advantage of this free day by cleaning and getting this house in order, it's a mess!
We don't have a spotless house but there is crap spread out everywhere.
My plan was to do it this weekend but we had soccer and we cleaned the garage instead and hung Xmas lights.
This morning in between running to the bathroom I spruced up the CDT indoor and took a few pics. He is 18 months old at 521g.
This is Willow.
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