Pretend Chat 2.14


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
On Sundays on my way home after working overnight, I often stop at this great buffet in a small local town. The owner and his parents always greet me warmly. They even worried about me, when I missed about a month. Today I took his mother this bunch of flowers.
I just loved her reaction.


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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
So here's the process on the triplex..
I was forced to stop because of the wind and my neighbors doing their yard work into the wind...
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I was going to be ambitious and and finish wiring up Shelly's condo, but I'm tired.
She can wait a couple more days:)


Well-Known Member
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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
URG!!! Another I-don't-believe-what-people-are capable-of story:

This gal was out weeding in her garden yesterday. Her house, out in the country, sits back a ways from the road. She heard a car drive up on the street, saw a lady get out and go towards the fence, and heard her husband (?) say, "Just drop it." She walked out there and they were gone by the time she got to the street, and what they dropped was what she thought was a tortoise. Turns out it's a melanistic red ear slider, male.

There is no water nearby, no canal, no creek, no ponding basin. Of course, if the gal who brought it to me thought it was a tortoise, maybe these jerks did too. Because she lives on the road back into town from a trip up into the foothills, my guess is someone had been up in the foothills for the day, saw the turtle in the road or wherever, picked it up and on the way home with it realized they really didn't want it, so stopped and tossed it. It's not someone's pet, quite wild. Would have gladly bitten off my arm had I allowed it close enough. As it was he kept biting my umbrella handle as I walked back to the house with him.

So now, the gal who no longer takes in water turtles, has added yet another water turtle to the list of things to find homes for.
*sighs and shakes head*


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Jun 24, 2012
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How about racing? Still doing that?

I love the reddish colored car.
I'm signed up to do only 2 events as of right now this year because of the money to do them and because I work weekends so I'd lose money from time off as well as entry fee to the race. But the 2 I'm signed up for are big ones, one is tough ruck, where I'll be carrying 15lbs in my bag for 26.2 miles and if I finish in 9 hours I'll get a Boston Marathon finishers medal. Then the second is the VT Killington Spartan Ultra Beast, basically the race I did last year but this time doing 2 laps in one day... 26+ miles and a whole lot of obstacles. Go hard or go home right!?

I do enjoy the new color to the car, but still miss the old one to death.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
So here's the process on the triplex..
I was forced to stop because of the wind and my neighbors doing their yard work into the wind...
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I was going to be ambitious and and finish wiring up Shelly's condo, but I'm tired.
She can wait a couple more days:)
Looks good . I've gotta do something else this year for my reds . My enclosures in my shed needs more repairs . I'd like to have them setup like my sulcatas . So they can run around outside on warm days .


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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
Looks good . I've gotta do something else this year for my reds . My enclosures in my shed needs more repairs . I'd like to have them setup like my sulcatas . So they can run around outside on warm days .
Thanks Mike :)
The ladies seem to like it so far.
I'm sure your reds will enjoy the the upgrade:)

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Today the hospital called my grandson and told him to bring my great grandson, Cyrus, back to the hospital. Seems the blood they drew while he was there has grown some bacteria. I'm really losing faith in this hospital. Why did they release him so early? When he got home he obviously was still very sick and achy.

Rain-X we use the crap out of it on our rat rods . None of us have windshield wipers. They're why over rated.

Yah!!!! Rain-X. I'll have to remember that. Thanks.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
You're welcome. When you spray it on spay it thick . Let it sit for a minute then rub it in . Works better than windshield wippers . Almost too good . Makes you think it isn't raining as hard .


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Jun 24, 2012
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I love 'Stache
He sure is a keeper, a strange one, but definitely fits right in. He frequently chases his tail up and down our staircase, I think it's because it's a dark staircase and his tail is black, we play with him all the time it's just he never gets worn out!! He also enjoys now being able to watch Franklin.
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Maggie Cummings

This is what I woke up to. Evidently the electric went out as there was no heat in my tort house. One of my torts is pretty sick, he sure didn't need to be as cold as he was. Anyhow, nobody can get out on the hiway, so guess I'm stuck



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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
This pair of Turkey Vultures have been on our street lately. I finally snapped a pic while still in the car.
I think they are so cool!
Not great pics! I'll try again another time.
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Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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This is what I woke up to. Evidently the electric went out as there was no heat in my tort house. One of my torts is pretty sick, he sure didn't need to be as cold as he was. Anyhow, nobody can get out on the hiway, so guess I'm stuck

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I know those feelings....2 days in a row now. It's already melted here, but everything is wet and mushy.

@maggie3fan You don't happen to know anyone who would patch and vulcanize practically new tires with 1/2 inch slits in the side walls do you? I'm not ready to toss out the tires that I paid $700 for less than 2000 miles ago yet, but I'm not very optimistic either since I know sidewall repairs are generally frowned upon.


Maggie Cummings

You really don't want to mess around with the sidewalls. Funny you bringing that up, I bought tires for the IROC, toyo's or something like that, there were 2 big bubbles on one sidewall and they were too wide to fit in the wheel well, so the guy tells me tough. So he's eating his meals in the Corvallis jail for the next 3 months...but I still didn't get my money or the tires back.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I know those feelings....2 days in a row now. It's already melted here, but everything is wet and mushy.

@maggie3fan You don't happen to know anyone who would patch and vulcanize practically new tires with 1/2 inch slits in the side walls do you? I'm not ready to toss out the tires that I paid $700 for less than 2000 miles ago yet, but I'm not very optimistic either since I know sidewall repairs are generally frowned upon.


Your car insurance doesn't cover vandalism? Bummer.

I am with Jeff in MO.

Oh, lordy, lordy!!!!! Who is watching all the kids? How long will you be gone? But how nice that you get to spend time with him. Where's the student?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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You really don't want to mess around with the sidewalls. Funny you bringing that up, I bought tires for the IROC, toyo's or something like that, there were 2 big bubbles on one sidewall and they were too wide to fit in the wheel well, so the guy tells me tough. So he's eating his meals in the Corvallis jail for the next 3 months...but I still didn't get my money or the tires back.

I think I'm going to look into the feasibility of hot patching and running tubes. I really wish this had happened sooner as until recently I was in need of new tires anyway.