Pretend chat 2

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5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
Good night everyone. My dog is starting to get weird so its time for her bedtime which means its my bed time.


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Jul 31, 2012
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CtTortoiseMom said:
I have a tortoise dilemma. I have been avoiding calling the different people that are housing the tortoises for me. I have been avoiding checking on them because if something is wrong I am very limited in what I can do. In addition, these people are trusted keepers that are doing me a favor and probably won't appreciate me asking for this past weeks diet, temps, humidity and overal health. The dilemma is I am dying to hear how they are doing but do not think I would be able to not ask a million questions and if something sounded strange to me I can't bring them home. So I guess my question is what would you do? Call or not call?

You definitely should call :) being a professional pet sitter for 16 years before this gig, I was never offended when someone called and asked me questions about how I was taking care of their pets especially if it were long term :) just be diplomatic like it was shared earlier ;)

Cowboy_Ken said:
Everyone still sleeping? Wow!

Morning ;) not me. I've been up since 330am Idaho, but had to get to the airport and sit stand by in case by airline needs me :)


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I'm up prepping to head to the sale. Friday, first day of the sale, 4 people started rummaging through stuff at 6:30 regardless of the clear 8:00 opening time. Today I'll be there for those rude people that think they're special.


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Cowboy_Ken said:
I'm up prepping to head to the sale. Friday, first day of the sale, 4 people started rummaging through stuff at 6:30 regardless of the clear 8:00 opening time. Today I'll be there for those rude people that think they're special.

Gotta love those rude, "special" people ;)

Jacqui said:

Morning jaqui!


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As long as those special people buy something and don't just waste your time.

Good morning everyone and Happy St. Patty's Day weekend. :)


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I slept in this morning. :)
Good luck with the sale.
I woke up to an inch of fresh snow :(. I was hoping to run today but the snow will kill that plan.

sibi said:
Yeap. The picture came out terrible and out of focus. I took better pics on skydive. If you want to see those, along with some of the art work we saw before the play, just let me know and I'll give you the link. But, yes, the hair is longer, although, not for long. I'm waiting until it get's to a certain length, and then I'll get the hair cut just the way I want it. I'm also letting the silver gray grow out. It actually looks great with the blonde so that it looks like I get highlights in. My friend says it looks platinum white. Unfortunately, I'm the shortest and fattest of the group. I'm working on the weight part though. Can't do anything about the height :(

Figures. I also like the back row, right side, also blueish. Is that sold? Heck, if I were there, I'd take them all, whatever is left at $2 a piece. Shoot, I would have bought up half the stuff there. Too bad.

I'm gonna have to call it a night guys. I'm exhausted and need to be up tomorrow early for a company football game. Speak to you all tomorrow.

Being short would be nice I think. You can wear heels and not be an Amazon. When I'm in heels I'm 5'10 :p. My weight is an ongoing issue too so I know that struggle. If you keep working on it you will get to your goal. :)
I think your hair looks nice.


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Jan 17, 2011
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Good Morning! I slept in as well this morning but after I read your responses I left message's for Chewy, Sid & Leia's caretakers and I already feel a weight has been lifted. I am also going to try and visit them. I am excited!

Today, I have to work at a girl scout cookie booth outside a store in 30 degree weather with my 6 yo and finish cleaning the basement and packing up the kitchen to make the cabinets less full. So that is my fun day:)


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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
CtTortoiseMom said:
Good Morning! I slept in as well this morning but after I read your responses I left message's for Chewy, Sid & Leia's caretakers and I already feel a weight has been lifted. I am also going to try and visit them. I am excited!

Today, I have to work at a girl scout cookie booth outside a store in 30 degree weather with my 6 yo and finish cleaning the basement and packing up the kitchen to make the cabinets less full. So that is my fun day:)

I'm glad you called :) brr! I will send some warm rays your way to keep you warm during your day ;)

mctlong said:
As long as those special people buy something and don't just waste your time.

Good morning everyone and Happy St. Patty's Day weekend. :)

Good morning :)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Ken, did you chase off the "early birds"? At the very least, I hope nothing was actually sold before the stated opening time. I hate seeing something listed for sale, waiting til the listed time, only to find the item I drove all the distance to buy was sold earlier. I feel if your not going to keep to the listed time, don't be giving an opening time.


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Jacqui said:
Ken, did you chase off the "early birds"? At the very least, I hope nothing was actually sold before the stated opening time. I hate seeing something listed for sale, waiting til the listed time, only to find the item I drove all the distance to buy was sold earlier. I feel if your not going to keep to the listed time, don't be giving an opening time.

yuppers :rolleyes:


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012

Being short is ok but I need a few more inches! In heels I barely reach 5'1"


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Me too. Good morning everyone! Isn't it funny that people who are tall want to be shorter, and those who are short wish they were taller. Anyway, Cowboy, if the gravy bowls are still there, put me in for the rest, and I'll pay shipping to get it to me. Tell me what I need to write the check for.
Thalatte said:

Being short is ok but I need a few more inches! In heels I barely reach 5'1"


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Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
Thalatte said:

Being short is ok but I need a few more inches! In heels I barely reach 5'1"

I don't have a problem being tall (5'11'') it's other people that do..mainly men :rolleyes::p


5 Year Member
Nov 16, 2012
I just want 2.5 inches so I can reach 5'1" that way I don't have to hem clothes labeled petite and I can wear above the knee boots without looking like I lost my legs.


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Dec 31, 2011
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CtTortoiseMom said:
Good Morning! I slept in as well this morning but after I read your responses I left message's for Chewy, Sid & Leia's caretakers and I already feel a weight has been lifted. I am also going to try and visit them. I am excited!

Today, I have to work at a girl scout cookie booth outside a store in 30 degree weather with my 6 yo and finish cleaning the basement and packing up the kitchen to make the cabinets less full. So that is my fun day:)

I used to enjoy when my marginated's old owner would stop by and play with him. I thought it was good because he got extra exercise and I didn't have to do anything to make that happen. Also it made me feel better that she knew how well he is cared for because I knew if I had to give up an animal I would be worried.
sibi said:
Me too. Good morning everyone! Isn't it funny that people who are tall want to be shorter, and those who are short wish they were taller. Anyway, Cowboy, if the gravy bowls are still there, put me in for the rest, and I'll pay shipping to get it to me. Tell me what I need to write the check for.
Thalatte said:

Being short is ok but I need a few more inches! In heels I barely reach 5'1"

What is a gravy bowl? Now I am interested. :D


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Kerryann said:
What is a gravy bowl? Now I am interested. :D

It's what you put the gravy into to serve it. Some of them almost remind me of an Aladdin's lamp only shorter and fatter. :D

I don't mind being short, after all dynomite comes in little packages. :p :D Plus I rarely have to worry about ducking, so I won't hit my head. :D
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