Red footed and yellow footed tortoises


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
And also for right now I still am using the box I’m trying to go and get the gray storage bin like I said but have barely enough time
View attachment 372776
Expanding on what the others have mentioned here, I do agree that those rocks are going to be too abrasive on your tortoises plastron, smooth river rocks will be a much better choice for you, easily fixed🙂

I also appreciate you giving your tortoise a nice big soaking area, the trouble with the tub is not only will you find it difficult to keep taking out to clean, but there’s also no grip to it, I know your tortoise isn’t a small hatchling anymore but they’re still able to trip on the sides of things and potentially flip, a terracotta has grip in the event that happens to give your tortoise a better chance to right themselves, don’t worry the terracottas are cheap so that’s another easy fix👍maybe even add two large ones😊

All that said I do agree with @COmtnLady that if possible, if the beam isn’t part of the structure it would be good to remove, that way you can have appropriate substrate throughout the enclosure instead of being sectioned off, also seeing that it’s bare wood and you’ve not added a liner, I would be worried rot could eventually set in😣I’m seeing the substrate on the bare wooden edges too, the bottom of your enclosure has the potential to get ruined hence I recommend a pond liner, again you can find them pretty cheap and it’ll save you in the long run😊

If you can’t remove that divide, that’s ok, but I’d suggest getting the substrate on both sides, if that’s a humidifier in the enclosure it definitely needs removing.

As for the application of the substrate, I do think coir will act better as a base, I wouldn’t use it on its own personally, that top layer is going to dry very quickly and you’ll end up with dusty coir your tortoise could breath in.
Some folks do use it on its own, however I think it’s potentially more maintenance, if timing is an issue for you this won’t work in your favour, it could get overlooked when you aren’t there.
It needs to be dampened, mix thoroughly so it’s not lumpy, then firmly pack it down with your hands, if left fluffy it will also dry out faster.
I’d then get yourself some orchid bark or forest floor(mulch) to layer on top, to maintain your humidity keep the bottom layer nice and damp(not muddy)by pouring some lukewarm water into the corners of your substrate, you shouldn’t have to do this too often in a closed chamber, just check your substrate and monitors to do as and when needed.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable attempting these pours until you have some lining for fear you’re going to wreck the wooden beams of your enclosure, but the pours are what you need to do, a humidifier inside an enclosure isn’t appropriate, and spraying/misting only lasts so long.

Out of interest, do you know what your temperatures are directly under your bulbs? I only ask because the beam they’re on appears a little low in the photos, however that could just be the perception of the picture, are the fittings screwed into the beams? That’s definitely safest.
If you haven’t already I’d definitely recommend you get your hands on a temperature gun, they’re SO handy to read all your ground temps, and making sure your monitors are correct🙂

Also just so you don’t get confused with anything maggie has mentioned above, yes they definitely have lower uv needs, but because your guy is housed indoors and has never received any, it’s still vital to get the indoor uv installed we talked about, and when she mentions the lighting coming through the window, she doesn't mean uv light, she’s talking about ambient lighting. Just wanted to make sure there’s no crossed wires there for you.

As always, any further questions, please do ask, I know my answers can be a bit long, but I want to try and give you all the information you need, take your time going over it, I hope it helps🙂

Keep up with the positive changes, you’ve got this!🥰I’m glad you’re sticking with us! It’ll be wonderful once you start seeing the benefits😁


Active Member
Jun 14, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Ok will do I will get the liner for the bottom and if you could put the links for the water dish grip and the bark that I should mix in


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
And happy birthday 🥳🥳🥳
Thank you!!🥰

For the pond liner go onto Amazon and type it in, loads will come up for a reasonable price, ignore the expensive ones.

For the bark I’d give you a link but my links only ship to the UK, either type in orchid fir bark or forest floor into google, you’ll probably find a bigger quantity of orchid for cheaper, just make sure it’s fir not pine😊


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5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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I apologize for being confusing...I was taught that Redfoot tortoises who are not getting uv outside CAN and, in fact, do get most of their uv from their diet. I am a Sulcata person so it was hard for me to get used to my Redfoot not getting a 100 watt very bright basking bulb. It's been weird feeding a tortoise fruit, mushrooms and eggs! I live in Oregon where it rains 7 months outta the year, so in all actuality, my Redfoot, Layla, lives in a small room in the house, in a greenhouse without much light. However, to make up for the lack of real sun UVB in her greenhouse, I carry her outside at any weather opportunity, and she spends a lot of time in an outside enclosure. Weather permitting, Layla spends most of the day outside on lawn and weeds under Rose of Sharon trees. I work hard to make sure she is set up as best as I can do...DSCN1708.JPG
it ain't pretty but it works. There's not much humidity on the plastic in the photo as I'd just finished cleaning the substrate so it was open...DSCN1708.JPG


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I apologize for being confusing...I was taught that Redfoot tortoises who are not getting uv outside CAN and, in fact, do get most of their uv from their diet. I am a Sulcata person so it was hard for me to get used to my Redfoot not getting a 100 watt very bright basking bulb. It's been weird feeding a tortoise fruit, mushrooms and eggs! I live in Oregon where it rains 7 months outta the year, so in all actuality, my Redfoot, Layla, lives in a small room in the house, in a greenhouse without much light. However, to make up for the lack of real sun UVB in her greenhouse, I carry her outside at any weather opportunity, and she spends a lot of time in an outside enclosure. Weather permitting, Layla spends most of the day outside on lawn and weeds under Rose of Sharon trees. I work hard to make sure she is set up as best as I can do...View attachment 372815
it ain't pretty but it works. There's not much humidity on the plastic in the photo as I'd just finished cleaning the substrate so it was open...View attachment 372815
No it’s ok no worries, I just know this member has gotten his wires crossed on a few things so wanted to clarify for them🙂
They don’t currently have an outdoor set up for their tortoise to receive some daily uv like yours, uv can’t be given through diet, the uv light is what helps them metabolise vitamin D3 from their diet, which then allows them to absorb the calcium they need👍least that’s always been my understanding😊


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Would the uva bulbs work I don’t now if you you new they were uva
No they won’t unfortunately, I’d stick with the CHE’s 24/7 like you are currently for your heat, then just use a normal no heat led bulb for lighting on a 12hour timer.
Then get yourself the t5 UV, either the zoo med brand or Arcadia is recommended, and put that on a 4hour timer from noonish🙂


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
No they won’t unfortunately, I’d stick with the CHE’s 24/7 like you are currently for your heat, then just use a normal no heat led bulb for lighting on a 12hour timer.
Then get yourself the t5 UV, either the zoo med brand or Arcadia is recommended, and put that on a 4hour timer from noonish🙂
Happy Birthday - I hope you are having a great day !


Active Member
Jun 14, 2024
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So I have a little pickle I have $300 in savings but thats for his medical bills and like his emergency money I will be making 60-70 dollars this weekend but 30 of it is going to my dad he bought my shot vac and the mister sadley the mister was a waste of money the point is I will only make 30-40 dollars witch is not enough for everything for example I need the uvb light and the


Active Member
Jun 14, 2024
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Bark and the ping liner and the plastic liner for the entire thing also for the bedding eventually I am going to have the entire thing with the bedding but I want a small errara that he can go if he does not like it at first hopefully he will warm up with it also for the time being I have set up a heat lamp that is the same as the other but turns on at day and if at night


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2020
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You can get a roll of construction grade plastic to use as a liner, from Home Depot, Lowe's. probably even WalMart. The bigger the "mil" number the thicker the plastic, but 3 or 4 mil is heavy enough for a liner.

Or go to a dollar store and get a shower curtain. It will be lighter. but considerably cheaper. Double up if you're concerned about it being flimsy.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
So I have a little pickle I have $300 in savings but thats for his medical bills and like his emergency money I will be making 60-70 dollars this weekend but 30 of it is going to my dad he bought my shot vac and the mister sadley the mister was a waste of money the point is I will only make 30-40 dollars witch is not enough for everything for example I need the uvb light and the
I understand budget being an issue, they aren’t entirely cheap animals to keep unfortunately😣

But don’t worry they’re are definitely more cost effective ways of doing things, like @COmtnLady mentioned, for the lining you could go with a cheap shower curtain for now and double up if needed.

I know the uv isn’t cheap unfortunately, it is one of the more expensive parts of keeping them unless housed in an appropriate outdoor climate, but whilst housed indoors, the uv is important.

May I ask what bulb it is you’ve added as your light emitting heat source? I honestly wouldn’t worry about adding that if your ceramics have been keeping the temperatures nice and consistent, just use a normal led for ambient light that doesn’t give out heat🙂

Bark and the ping liner and the plastic liner for the entire thing also for the bedding eventually I am going to have the entire thing with the bedding but I want a small errara that he can go if he does not like it at first hopefully he will warm up with it
That’s ok for now if you want to provide a small area without substrate until you do the whole thing, so long as your humidity is reading good, all is well🙂

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