Tips for my undersized Sulcata


New Member
Sep 14, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas
Hi this is Crush, my 3 almost 4 year old sulcata tortoise. I just got him a few days ago from a family member who wasn’t able to care for him the way they wanted to so he was passed down to me. I looked up other tortoises his age and they seem way bigger. He’s barely grown since he was a baby.

They used a regular house light bulb for most his life span, he’s been housed with a bigger Russian tortoise for a year or so of his life. They didn’t have separate hide out or bowls. I’m not sure how often he was fed but I was told the other tortoise bullied him so I’m sure he didn’t get to eat much. Didn’t get soaks as a baby. Covered in fecal matter. He shows signs of pyramiding & respiratory infection (blows bubbles & gasps) plz give me some tips and how I can help him. He’s been surviving his whole life. I want him to thrive. I’m doing me best with his enclosure it’s slowly coming together. He’s very happy. Eating, sleeping, I take him outside for an hour or longer everyday. I live in NV so it’s warm out. I’ve been giving him oat grass, wheat grass, dandelion leaves & romaine lettuce. I’m scared to ruin his shell more by a bad diet so let me know what’s best to feed him. I’ve been soaking him to help him poop. He’s pooped once since the 3 days he’s been with me. So I’m worried about that too :(


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The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Hello and welcome. Here is the info you need:

Read through each of these at least twice. You'll gain a lot from the second reading. Questions are welcome.

Due to this guy's size and condition, I'd set him up like a small baby.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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Oh bless he’s very stunted! Definitely give toms threads a read!

And feel free to check this one out I made, I include lots of visual examples for stuff, typically the age yours is they should be ready to be outside, but as he’s stunted, he’ll benefit from a closed chamber until he’s measuring closer to 10 inches. I give an example on how to do that in this thread, along with the right kind of equipment, appropriately maintaining humidity, correct levels, and there’s a link for some of the diet side of things🙂

This one is good to go over to avoid incorrect bulbs, materials etc👍

Hope this helps!


Well-Known Member
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Chicago, Illinois, USA
Follow the links Tom gave you and you will be giving him the best you can
Try to give a more varied diet. His shell/pyramiding is from being raised too dry not from food.
Cactus pads, mulberry leaf, hibiscus leaf and flower, orchard grass hay, mazuri tortoise food, just to name a few.
Good luck keep us posted and with the right care he should start to grow.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
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Hey hi! You've got a project. He needs room and humidity. For a while soak him daily, use small grade orchid bark for substrate...and keep it damp... what are you keeping him in? I would make sure he has food access all the time, and just for movement etc, make small food piles all around. You can also use Spring Mix while you try to put some weight on. Is there any graze in your yard?