
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Lovely to not see you, maybe when you've finished with your own neighbours you can come and sort out mine ??
Glad to hear you are safe and well. Take care
All these issues are so exhausting. And it is amazing how most of the homeowners just don't want to get involved. But yeah, I will come and sort your's out the same way it looks like I have to sort mine out by.........By shooting them all and taking over their land! Mwahahahaha


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Last really warm & sunny day for awhile. Temps in mid-70’s again. Bought 7 more 16 foot deck boards this morning, we hope to get those down once the ??? moves off the deck. I still have other projects on the list. More leaves to rake, annuals to clean up, Spring bulbs to get in the ground, & more.
You still busy with your deck. Wow you sure do have patience.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
I don't wanna go outside! Please don't make me!! It's COLD out there. ***Yvonne digs her fingernails into the door jamb as she's being pulled outside***
And when finally Yvonne is pulled through the door, she is surprised to see that winter has come and gone and it is now Spring. Yayyyy ......Yvonne starts walking around the yard with a big smile on her face, her knee is now all better and the wrist is working well. The tortoises are all very happy to see Yvonne out and about and start to tell her all their woes and troubles in the hopes that now she is back it will all get sorted out pronto.......


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Bless her ... that sucks.. I will say some extra prayers for her and the family..

Jess is starting to turn around. We have been here 8 days and after 3 surgeries, we may get to go home tomorrow. She will be back on the operating table next week but we hope that’s just routine closure and a short stay.

Cinder made her a friend on the concrete river walk.. Max is a 3 year old husky who was rescued a couple days ago and moved into the apartments just down the street. We see him and his owner frequently on walks and now Cinder will just plop her fat A$$ down on the walkway and watch for him. She expects to see him!! Lol.. Gorgeous red/ chocolate husky with bright blue eyes.. His owner Judy was pretty nice too:)
Oh no, I am so sorry that I have missed so much. I will have to go back and read the posts so that I can get updated with everything. On the plus side I am so happy that Cinder has made a friend. That is awesome and so very sweet.

Last week Monday I had to finally accept that Milly was not doing well (Old age) and we had to make the decision to put her out of her misery. The only consolation that I have is that she is now with her brother and they are most probably having an awesome time catching up on the other side of the rainbow. Scooby on the other hand I cannot decide if he is missing her or living his best life because of all the attention that he has to himself. ? Little Kahli and Phoenix are both growing so well. Jarrod really take very good care of Phoenix (bearded dragon) and loves him to bits. kahli on the other hand is still skittish around me, but it is okay as she will live for about 20years so I have plenty of time to work on her. Lol, I put around 6 - 8 crickets in her enclosure two days ago and there is not a single one left. She loves to hunt her food.

Holding thumbs that everything goes well with Jessica. She is such a brave girl and you are a fantastic MOM.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
My dear friend how’s everything going with you?
I’ve missed you !!!!
Work tackled me... and I lost..?
I have been told to quarantine till further notice. So I can work from home again...
Stupid covid...make up yer mind already!!!
Oh no, am I correct in thinking that you might have the dreaded covid? Hopefully if you do, it does not affect you too badly but it would be better if you did not. Good Luck with the wait and or quarantining.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good Morning All,

I am popping in for a little bit. As I find myself having a little bit of time on my hands. ? It seems that there is a lot of posts that I need to catch up on as a lot has happened while I was gone.

The saga continues with our complex, but I have decided not to respond to their emails of yet until everybody has responded, as it is time that all of the homeowners get involved instead of leaving it to the few. There is an ongoing battle between residents which just needs to come to an end now. Lyn I finally can understand your frustrations and pain with your neighbor. It really is a pity that a person cannot just beat some sense into some people. Thank goodness I am not a Judge or lawyer, as I don't think that I could do it without letting emotion come into it. Sigh!!!

On a sad note Milly is no longer with us, but on a happy note she is more than likely having a very good catch up with her brother on the other side of the rainbow. We had her cremated and her ashes are now sitting next to her brothers on a chest in our lounge.

Phoenix is doing really well and is growing fantastically. I could not be more proud of just how well Jarrod looks after Phoenix. Phoenix is Jarrod's pride and joy.

kahli on the other hand is still fighting me on the coming to me issue, but that is okay as I have 20 years to wear her down. I will get there eventually. Until then she loves hunting down her crickets that I put in her enclosure. And is growing so big. I will try and get a nice photo of her tonight to share with you all. I also need to get some pics of the torts to share on their thread as an update. They love being outside and are outside full time. Besides it is summer, so the temps are just right for them. I haven't seen Whitey lay any eggs again the ones that she laid before did not hatch. I must actually dig them up and see what happened.

I have had a mole take up residence in my garden and I am not sure how to get rid of it. I have noticed though that for the last few days I haven't seen it push up any sand, so maybe I am lucky and it is finally moving on. Who knows as long as it is not in my garden then I will be happy with where ever it stays. otherwise stronger measure are going to have to be put in place as the current ones would not have worked.?

While you guys are all getting colder we are getting hotter, which I think is good news as far as covid is concerned, if I remember correctly covid does not like heat, so bring on summer. ;)

Anyway I think that is a long enough post, otherwise you guys will get bored with my rambling on. Until next post, have an awesome day everyone.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
It is a glorious autumn day here in Kent. We went for a walk at a local country park which has former gravel pits as lakes and the River Medway alongside. The bird is a Jay, the most colourful member of the corvid (crow) family.
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Love the pics, One day when I own a mansion I am going to have a drive way like the roads/pathway in your pics.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Sorry the update took me so long.. they feel like the surgery was a success.. they were able to test some of the nerves after repair and get them to “fire”...but it will take months before Jess will start getting motion back.. They had to shorten her humerus about an inch and stabilize it with plates. They clamped everything together around her existing ball in shoulder with steel. Surgeons said they were satisfied with the range of motion that they were able to get with that as well.. last night and today were horribly painful for her and there was lots of swelling but she has started to level out the past couple hours (SO THANKFUL) and was able to sit up and eat some.. They think we may get to go home by the end of the week. She will get about 4 weeks of healing to solidify the nerve repair and will then have to begin the king therapy process.. All in all , I think they have performed a miracle! They took nerves from cadavers and repaired 5 separate nerves and fully expect them to regenerate and work!!
Oh no. I so wish I could help.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Lol!!! Well done!!! I messaged someone in South Africa this morning as well.. seems she must be on all of our minds!
Oh Crap, have I missed the Christmas card posting list etc. Please someone add me to the conversation as I have not seen anything and I better get cracking. Oh dear I really have dropped the ball! ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
My son-in-law, Jim, bought a beauty of a bike from his dentist last Friday. Dentist had spent lots o bucks making the bike purdy, but it had been 'non op' or two years because he just didn't have any spare time, so he decided to sell. Jim got the bike for an excellent price. The picture doesn't do it justice:

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Jim has a Victory m.c. and he's been riding it to work weekly. He works in the San Francisco Bay Area, about 200 miles from home, and he stays there during the week and comes home at the week end. When he mentioned he planned to ride the new bike to work Sunday night I had a bad feeling about it, but didn't say anything.

So on his way to work from the motel Monday a.m. a car pulled out in front of him. He slammed on the brakes, skidded, and had to lay the bike down. It came to rest on top of him and passers by had to lift it off.

He ended up with a broken humorous and a dented gas tank:

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And the crazy guy went on in to work after the E.R. and even finished off working the whole week. He can't button up his trousers, but he can drive the plumbing truck and handle his tools! (but you should see him when he has a cold or flu)
Oh no. this year is just not a good one. When is it going to end. Sigh, hope your son is doing well now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Goodmorning all, finally a few members here! Hope your day goes well. Didn't get to see the meteors,we have a storm for the next few days.
Go to the doctor today to get my meds for pain. Will be glad if someday I don't need the meds to help manage my pain.
Hi Ray, I have and am back on my pain meds and I must say I am much much happier for it. I feel like a normal person again. I take the Lyrica and tramahexal in the morning and again in the evening, and it seems to be much better. I do however need to see a pain management specialist but it is so expensive I have to wait until next year when I have medical savings again. Right now I am paying out of my pocket. But I hope that things go well for you, as I do understand how horrible it is to live with constant pain. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good evenooning all

It’s been busy again. I was training a new volunteer at the rescue today, something I do pretty regularly, but this lady really couldn’t cope :( I guess she was in her late 60s, but the way she struggled to remember everything from how to find her way round to where she had to get newspaper from (a drawer that was open) made me wonder if she was starting alzheimer’s; it was really sad. :( It’s the first time I’ve ever had to say to the staff that I don’t think someone will be useful :(

I came home feeling exhausted and quite dispirited, but with 2 hedgehogs to release in my garden. That’s happier at least :) I have cameras on them so hopefully I will have some pictures to show tomorrow of them as they explore their new home.

After a few mugs of tea and some cake (it was Daughter’s birthday yesterday) I felt better and mixed up this year’s Christmas Pudding batch. It needs A LOT of stirring and the mixture is to big and heavy for my mixer. So everyone gets roped in to stir in turn more than once!

Son should have come home tomorrow, but the covid level has been raised in London and he’s no longer allowed to meet indoors with anyone he doesn’t live with.

Tomorrow will be spent cooking Christmas Puddings. They are traditionally steamed. I use the pressure cooker, but it will still take all day!
Happy belated Birthday JoesSister.


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5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
In Oregon it rains for 7 months a year, including snow and ice. We have been diagnosed with a disease called S.A.D. Seasonal affected disorder. So there's a whole group of us Oregonians who use UVB bulbs for 4 or 5 hours a week, just sitting under the bulb, and it does make us feel better. Well, maybe not US, but a buncha Oregonians say it works.
Maybe it has to do with a vitamin d deficiency. Didn't you all pass a amendment to legalize cocaine and heroin. Maybe that will help with S.A.D.

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