
Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Wa-a-ay back, several pages ago, Maggie said something about knocking out her front teeth and gluing them back in with super glue. Then someone wondered if saliva would interfere with the process. I'm wondering why no one figured out it was false teeth she was referring to?
I honestly thought that it was her real teeth. Because I have heard that if you knock out a tooth and you put it back in place and leave it for a while it will setback in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Oh yes, I forgot to say... it’s been over a month since the accident and the DA still does not have a report from the detective at the police department .. nor has there been any kind of press release or communication from the police department...

so I have taken steps to hire a private investigator ?. I will not accept a cover-up and I don’t care who may be involved.. I’m feeling better now that I have taken some action!
Good on you. It shouldn't be covered up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good morning all!!!! Wishing everyone a wonderful Friday.. daughter and I are back to the big city for more Dr’s today...

my Tom cat has been having a party during the night and twice over the past weekI have found tiny baby life forms in my bedroom doorway.... lifeless.....?. I had assumed that he had found of nest of fieldmice... until 2 am this morning. It appears that he has been hunting under the back deck and bringing in the nightlife through the doggy door. View attachment 309611View attachment 309612
He’s apparently wiped out a whole family of gophers and will be receiving extra treats and affection for his efforts!!! Well done Jerry!
Can I borrow him for a mole that moved into my garden?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Hi Ray, I have and am back on my pain meds and I must say I am much much happier for it. I feel like a normal person again. I take the Lyrica and tramahexal in the morning and again in the evening, and it seems to be much better. I do however need to see a pain management specialist but it is so expensive I have to wait until next year when I have medical savings again. Right now I am paying out of my pocket. But I hope that things go well for you, as I do understand how horrible it is to live with constant pain. Good luck.
I understand, tramahexal? I will have to ask my doctor about that med.
Pain meds are a slippery slope as I am sure you know. I had my dosage increased about 2 months ago. But inevitably the effect will diminish. But I can't keep increasing and my doctor wouldn't be accepting either. But changing up the pain med sometimes helps. My doctor changed me to morphine once but my oxygen saturation dropped like a rock. So that method didn't work.
But feeling normal is nice.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
Palm Bay Fl
Hi Heather, So very sorry guys that I have been AWOL for so long. I am all healthy and safe, it has just been a very busy time. I have gotten involved with our complex's community, and been voted onto the HOA committee, but there is currently a lot of back stabbing and fighting going on. So have been very busy trying to sort it all out and nowhere finished as yet. Once things start to calm down and people can maybe start living in harmony if not harmony then learn to ignore those they don't like, I might be able to have a little more time available. But at the moment all I am doing is trying to put out fires and keep people from killing each other. It is ridiculous really how childish people (Grown Adults) can be.

Ayway, just popping in temporarily to let you all know I am okay and that I am okay, just don't have a lot of free time right now. The little bit of free time I have I am exhausted. Who knew refereeing people would be so exhausting......

And so so very sorry to make you all worry. I should have found some time just to let you know that i would be awol for a little bit. Hopefully not too much longer.
Hang in there!


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Good evening all
My surgery is all done and dusted.
They took a 3 cm diameter circle around the melanoma and grafted skin from my neck onto it.
I have a wound about 5 cm long with stitches on my neck and goodness knows how many stitches around the graft - I lost count after 18.
Then they put a special dressing that helps skin grafts over it all and stitched that to my face!
I am bruised and my eye has almost closed up so I look as if I have done a few rounds in the ring with Tyson, so I'm not a pretty sight. All I'm missing is the bolt in my neck and I'd have a great Hallowe'en costume.
I have to wait 2 weeks now to see if the graft has been successful - I don't know what they'll do if it isn't.
It's pretty painful and I feel as if I've been through the mill today but all your posts have helped cheer me up again so thank you for that.
Anyway I'm off to bed now so nos da and take care.
How are you doing now?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Sorry the update took me so long.. they feel like the surgery was a success.. they were able to test some of the nerves after repair and get them to “fire”...but it will take months before Jess will start getting motion back.. They had to shorten her humerus about an inch and stabilize it with plates. They clamped everything together around her existing ball in shoulder with steel. Surgeons said they were satisfied with the range of motion that they were able to get with that as well.. last night and today were horribly painful for her and there was lots of swelling but she has started to level out the past couple hours (SO THANKFUL) and was able to sit up and eat some.. They think we may get to go home by the end of the week. She will get about 4 weeks of healing to solidify the nerve repair and will then have to begin the king therapy process.. All in all , I think they have performed a miracle! They took nerves from cadavers and repaired 5 separate nerves and fully expect them to regenerate and work!!
Actually the pain is a good sign. It means the nerves are working.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Jess developed compartment syndrome and had went back to surgery for a fasciotomy:-((
It was caught early and will relieve a lot of pain but it means that her arm will be opened up again in a new place.. this time from shoulder all the way to the palm of her hand.. she can’t catch a damn break!!!
I am so very sorry Heather.


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2017
Location (City and/or State)
South Africa - Cape Town
Yes.. I’m trying really hard to be grateful for all the good but this is testing the limits.. she’s suffering and I fell pretty helpless.. I guess there is just no way to understand something like this..
There never really is and it is very hard on those going through. All I can say is that I do keep you all in my thoughts and prayers, even though I have not been on here often, you guys never left my mind.

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