Jacky And Daisy


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Angie,

We shall be thinking about you on Tuesday. I have my sight-test then and I shall make sure I can see the chart.

Good luck

Dear Natrah - today when Richard fed the robin, it stood on his hand and sang to him - a quiet song which is called an "undersong", like one which they might sing to their babies.
Also, there was a swallow in the carport when we went in, and instead of flying out, as they often do, it perched just where they often used to stand last year, and calmly watched Richard trying to get Zola to have a pee before getting into the car to go out. Which Zola did ! I am convinced that the swallow is one we looked after last year -one of the babies or even a parent -otherwise he would be flapping and flying out ! It knows we are friends !
Hope all goes well tomorrow for you - I have had contact lenses for many years, and I much prefer them to glasses - I see pretty well, but will have to have a cataract operation at some point relatively soon - the optician says it will be very simple - no staying in hospital.
Good luck, and love from Angie and Zola xxxxx


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Tortoise Club
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Hello from Niilo to everyone and especially Gary.

Niilo is quite nocturnal in the summer, and I too have trouble sleeping, especially in June when the sun never seems to set and birds chirp 24/7. This photo is snapped at 4 am, so the quality and lighting are terrible, but that is when Niilo is most active 😁

Hey Nilo!! You gorgeous little booger pants!!



Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Oct 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
Dear Natrah - today when Richard fed the robin, it stood on his hand and sang to him - a quiet song which is called an "undersong", like one which they might sing to their babies.
Also, there was a swallow in the carport when we went in, and instead of flying out, as they often do, it perched just where they often used to stand last year, and calmly watched Richard trying to get Zola to have a pee before getting into the car to go out. Which Zola did ! I am convinced that the swallow is one we looked after last year -one of the babies or even a parent -otherwise he would be flapping and flying out ! It knows we are friends !
Hope all goes well tomorrow for you - I have had contact lenses for many years, and I much prefer them to glasses - I see pretty well, but will have to have a cataract operation at some point relatively soon - the optician says it will be very simple - no staying in hospital.
Good luck, and love from Angie and Zola xxxxx

It is 10:30 here in NJ and I am sending good vibes to both of you!!!!
😌😌😌😌☺️☺️☺️☺️😣😣😣😖😣😖😖😖😖😖🤯…..well now I need to put my brains back in!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Dear Angie,

I hope your appointment is going well. I've just been told that's no change in my sight (hurrah!) but now I need to make an appointment with the dentist for a check up....



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Angie,

I hope your appointment is going well. I've just been told that's no change in my sight (hurrah!) but now I need to make an appointment with the dentist for a check up....

Dear Natrah - I shall be getting the new headache drug in a few days !!! I had a chat with the nurse, and she said it takes a few weeks to start showing an improvement, but I shall actually be able to collect the prescription from Plymouth next week. I am very relieved that the various injections in my head will be able to stop, as my scalp and skull feel very sore. I shall be given 3 months supply at a time, which is good, as Plymouth is rather a long way to go.
I'm glad your eyes are ok - it's reassuring to know that, isn't it. I hope the dentist will find nothing wrong too.
Love to Jacky and Angel Daisy, and to you, of course, and to all our forum friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxxx
And many thanks to you and Chef for all your good wishes xxxxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

Angie you must so pleased to try that new drug. Please let us know how you feel and get on with it. You must be relieved as well. I read about the swallow and I wonder if they remember you from last year. I can't imagine that Dickie went out much today if it's been raining. It's been warm and we had sun in the morning but the afternoon was cloudy and then the showers came. Jacky went out but she likes the sun as well as the heat so she didn't do much. Anyway we have decided to celebrate D-Day with strawberries.

Sadly I will think of dad this week as he passed away on the Wednesday 12th June 2019 and I can still remember exactly what happened that week with 75th anniversary of D-Day and the orchestra concert being on the 8th June. I'm still concerned about Amanda and Ernie they've been very quiet but I am pleased to hear from our snail friends.

Goodnight everyone

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy


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Tortoise Club
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Dear Angie,

I hope your appointment is going well. I've just been told that's no change in my sight (hurrah!) but now I need to make an appointment with the dentist for a check up....

Yipppiiiieeeeeee!!!! 🤓🥰🥰


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
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Oct 12, 2018
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New Jersey
Dear Natrah - I shall be getting the new headache drug in a few days !!! I had a chat with the nurse, and she said it takes a few weeks to start showing an improvement, but I shall actually be able to collect the prescription from Plymouth next week. I am very relieved that the various injections in my head will be able to stop, as my scalp and skull feel very sore. I shall be given 3 months supply at a time, which is good, as Plymouth is rather a long way to go.
I'm glad your eyes are ok - it's reassuring to know that, isn't it. I hope the dentist will find nothing wrong too.
Love to Jacky and Angel Daisy, and to you, of course, and to all our forum friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxxx
And many thanks to you and Chef for all your good wishes xxxxxxxxxx

Yaaaa Hooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

I am OVER THE MOON 🌙 that you no longer have to get INJECTIONS IN YOUR HEAD!! 😱

I still hold the offer to you that I will pack up and send any medicine from the USA 🇺🇸 that I think would help your headaches.
Migraines are the most evil thing that anyone can or have to live with. I don’t know how you’ve done it all this time.
No matter,….put it to the back. 😑…..
We move forward now and get you taken care of the proper way.
God bless my wee Angie and Natrah.
You are both sooo loved and cherished.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Yaaaa Hooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

I am OVER THE MOON 🌙 that you no longer have to get INJECTIONS IN YOUR HEAD!! 😱

I still hold the offer to you that I will pack up and send any medicine from the USA 🇺🇸 that I think would help your headaches.
Migraines are the most evil thing that anyone can or have to live with. I don’t know how you’ve done it all this time.
No matter,….put it to the back. 😑…..
We move forward now and get you taken care of the proper way.
God bless my wee Angie and Natrah.
You are both sooo loved and cherished.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Richard was outside, feeding the birds, when he noticed a young goldfinch lying on the ground -possibly dead. He picked it up- you could see its heart beating - it was obviously stunned from flying into the kitchen window. I said he should carry it in his hand to warm it up, which he did -eventually it moved its head, which was a big relief, as he was afraid its neck might be broken. He held it for quite a long time, and it moved some more, and sat up, a bit confused, and started to move its wings. Eventually, it stood up, and Richard opened his hand wide, and it flew away. It was wonderful to watch ! Here it is, almost ready to fly ...
Angie x


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good afternoon everyone!

Sorry I haven't been able to write much but I am busy preparing for tomorrow's concert. Angie those photos are gorgeous and the two of you have healing hands. I've got to go now as the bus is approaching Rayleigh Jacky and I have been feasting on strawberries:

Keep safe

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy IMG20240605113955.jpg


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - I shall be thinking of you tomorrow - I hope everything goes well - I'm sure it will, actually. I wish I were there to hear you - do you ever have recordings made of the orchestra ?
It has been a frustrating day for us, as we are trying to get our shower fixed - it has been leaking slightly for a long time, but getting worse slowly - now it is quite a lot, and we have someone who is going to sort it out, but he is really busy, and we just can't seem to contact him to find out what's happening.
When we were out with Zola today, someone asked what party Zola was going to vote for - and Richard said "Green, of course"which I thought was just the right answer for a tortoise !!!
The swallows are in and out of the carport a lot, and don't seem very bothered by us at all, so I am quite sure they are some of last year's family - we have started covering the car when it is under their shelf area, to avoid some of their "presents" on it.
Love and all best wishes for tomorrow from Angie and Zola xxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Wow a lot to catch up with! I haven’t been getting alerts so I assumed it had gone quiet for a while!
Natrah good luck with the concert tonight. I may have asked before but is it the violin or the piano you will be
playing. I know you are accomplished in both, it’s a wonderful talent to have.
Angie I’m so pleased you hopefully will never have to endure those head injections ever again. 🤞your new treatment works & works quickly. Your garden is beautiful & I love hearing about the robins & swallows.
Im sure Zola appreciates it too.
Dickie has been coming out sometimes very early 7.30am! It depends if it’s warm but otherwise it’s usually anytime between 8am & mid day. She’s like me, I like a lie in but I do tend to go to bed late.
The robins were still chirping to each other at 10pm the other night.
Sherman is still plodding about. There was one day (Saturday) when he stayed in doors. Thats probably when he takes out his frustration on the shed 😁
I was asking my neighbour about the 3 legged tortoise her son has. It’s around 100 years old. It’s a male & contrary to what I understood before, he apparently used to live with an old lady in the village. He was their families tortoise who got his leg injured during the war bless him. She passed him on to my neighbours family to look after.
He like Dickie, is now eating & behaving normally. Unfortunately my neighbour (his granny) isn’t too keen on him as she says he keeps trying to have s~x with her foot. I tried very hard not to laugh when she said this as she was most put out by his attentions 🤣
I had considered some time ago saying perhaps we would adopt him if the family ever decided to find him another home…..but on second thoughts poor Dickie might not be too keen!
Bye for now


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Wow a lot to catch up with! I haven’t been getting alerts so I assumed it had gone quiet for a while!
Natrah good luck with the concert tonight. I may have asked before but is it the violin or the piano you will be
playing. I know you are accomplished in both, it’s a wonderful talent to have.
Angie I’m so pleased you hopefully will never have to endure those head injections ever again. 🤞your new treatment works & works quickly. Your garden is beautiful & I love hearing about the robins & swallows.
Im sure Zola appreciates it too.
Dickie has been coming out sometimes very early 7.30am! It depends if it’s warm but otherwise it’s usually anytime between 8am & mid day. She’s like me, I like a lie in but I do tend to go to bed late.
The robins were still chirping to each other at 10pm the other night.
Sherman is still plodding about. There was one day (Saturday) when he stayed in doors. Thats probably when he takes out his frustration on the shed 😁
I was asking my neighbour about the 3 legged tortoise her son has. It’s around 100 years old. It’s a male & contrary to what I understood before, he apparently used to live with an old lady in the village. He was their families tortoise who got his leg injured during the war bless him. She passed him on to my neighbours family to look after.
He like Dickie, is now eating & behaving normally. Unfortunately my neighbour (his granny) isn’t too keen on him as she says he keeps trying to have s~x with her foot. I tried very hard not to laugh when she said this as she was most put out by his attentions 🤣
I had considered some time ago saying perhaps we would adopt him if the family ever decided to find him another home…..but on second thoughts poor Dickie might not be too keen!
Bye for now
That's pretty impressive for a 100-year old tortoise - still a romantic at heart !


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Oct 12, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
New Jersey
Wow a lot to catch up with! I haven’t been getting alerts so I assumed it had gone quiet for a while!
Natrah good luck with the concert tonight. I may have asked before but is it the violin or the piano you will be
playing. I know you are accomplished in both, it’s a wonderful talent to have.
Angie I’m so pleased you hopefully will never have to endure those head injections ever again. 🤞your new treatment works & works quickly. Your garden is beautiful & I love hearing about the robins & swallows.
Im sure Zola appreciates it too.
Dickie has been coming out sometimes very early 7.30am! It depends if it’s warm but otherwise it’s usually anytime between 8am & mid day. She’s like me, I like a lie in but I do tend to go to bed late.
The robins were still chirping to each other at 10pm the other night.
Sherman is still plodding about. There was one day (Saturday) when he stayed in doors. Thats probably when he takes out his frustration on the shed 😁
I was asking my neighbour about the 3 legged tortoise her son has. It’s around 100 years old. It’s a male & contrary to what I understood before, he apparently used to live with an old lady in the village. He was their families tortoise who got his leg injured during the war bless him. She passed him on to my neighbours family to look after.
He like Dickie, is now eating & behaving normally. Unfortunately my neighbour (his granny) isn’t too keen on him as she says he keeps trying to have s~x with her foot. I tried very hard not to laugh when she said this as she was most put out by his attentions 🤣
I had considered some time ago saying perhaps we would adopt him if the family ever decided to find him another home…..but on second thoughts poor Dickie might not be too keen!
Bye for now
Glad to see you back moggymad.
I have the same problems
I don’t get alerts either
I just jump on here when I can and hear you all are!! 😍
Beee careful about “wanting another tort”
Sometimes it can be overwhelming with just one…
let that ….flipper flapper keep eyeing that lady’s leg for awhile more.🤣
Make sure you are reading to “adopt”….
And for d*m sure FIND OUT if YOUR tort wants to be jumped all of the time!
Poor wee soul…🤭