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Aug 20, 2018
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I always wonder about people that spend more money on themselves than the charity/organization itself. Not a bad piece of waterfront property! :mad:
I don't want to derail this with talk of other "charities" but I'd like to point out that the Humane Society of the U.S. brings in approximately $100 million annually. Over $40 million of that goes to employee salaries and benefits. The CEO collects nearly a half million per year and they have an unbelievable 42 employees that earn six-figures.


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I don't want to derail this with talk of other "charities" but I'd like to point out that the Humane Society of the U.S. brings in approximately $100 million annually. Over $40 million of that goes to employee salaries and benefits. The CEO collects nearly a half million per year and they have an unbelievable 42 employees that earn six-figures.
Yes, many of them are all gold diggers. The best way to support animals is thru your local charities. You can ask them how much of each donation actually goes for the animals. My understanding is they have to tell you.
I used to donate to a lot of the animal charities. I only donate to animals. Now I stick with my local animal charities.


The Dog Trainer
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I don't want to derail this with talk of other "charities" but I'd like to point out that the Humane Society of the U.S. brings in approximately $100 million annually. Over $40 million of that goes to employee salaries and benefits. The CEO collects nearly a half million per year and they have an unbelievable 42 employees that earn six-figures.
I didn't realize how bad it was. Thanks for the stats.


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2018
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Brighton, Southcoast, UK
Here’s an example of how they try to get people to support their cause..... using celebrities.


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Jul 17, 2016
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Here’s an example of how they try to get people to support their cause..... using celebrities.

I’m sorry...but this is too over the top!

Another reason I refuse to follow them on any social media platform...[emoji23]


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May 6, 2018
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Yes, many of them are all gold diggers. The best way to support animals is thru your local charities. You can ask them how much of each donation actually goes for the animals. My understanding is they have to tell you.
I used to donate to a lot of the animal charities. I only donate to animals. Now I stick with my local animal charities.

I think was thinking the best way to support animals is adopt animals that need homes. Skip all of the human involvement and have direct impact on that individual dog/cat/turtle/bird’s life. But I understand that we all can’t have these animals as pets for a number of reasons (allergies, living arrangements, space, etc.), and sometimes the best you can do is donate time/supplies/money.


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Sep 6, 2011
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I think was thinking the best way to support animals is adopt animals that need homes. Skip all of the human involvement and have direct impact on that individual dog/cat/turtle/bird’s life. But I understand that we all can’t have these animals as pets for a number of reasons (allergies, living arrangements, space, etc.), and sometimes the best you can do is donate time/supplies/money.
Adoption is never a bad thing. However, there are so many more in need then the one or two most people can would adopt. Money in the hands of good reliable organizations can go so much further. Both are needed.


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Starting a charity is my dark side retirement scheme. I start a charity that tugs at the heart strings and give 51% directly to it. The other 49% is for salaries and business expenses. I could live like a king on the heart ache of the people. Luckily I have a heart- a well guarded and only shared with a select few- that would never allow me to do that.

jsheffield - In Memoriam

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I skip big orgs and donate to local shelters and vets that neuter strays (and neuters pets cheaply for those who otherwise couldn't/wouldn't afford it) to head off the next generations of suffering.

We always live with two rescue dogs, and I drive Cane Corso rescues for an outfit that places dogs, either to their foster or forever homes.

Action and charity that is as close as possible to those you want to help is the best way to make your time and money work for you, and them. Big orgs tend to pay lots of salaries, lobby government, and suffer from mission drift.


Pastel Tortie

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Jul 31, 2018
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Wow I did not know that they were listed as a terrorist organisation! It makes sense now as they post horrible videos on all social media platforms.

One question for you Tom, why is this allowed to happen? How are they able to do what they do?

Thank you for you opinion aswell Tom, this is really helpful to me as I’m still creating a view of my own.
Yes, domestic terrorist organization. Ben, I know you live in the UK, but you might be too young to remember the foot-and-mouth (FMD) epizootic that occurred there in 2001. PETA said that was a GOOD thing.

And that's probably one of the nicest things that I can bring myself to say about them.

Pastel Tortie

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Jul 31, 2018
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North Florida
Starting a charity is my dark side retirement scheme. I start a charity that tugs at the heart strings and give 51% directly to it. The other 49% is for salaries and business expenses. I could live like a king on the heart ache of the people. Luckily I have a heart- a well guarded and only shared with a select few- that would never allow me to do that.
I know you aren't serious, but this is probably good to mention anyway, because there are places to find out if you're getting a decent return on investment with charity donations.

In Florida, charities have to divulge what percentage gets passed through and what percentage gets used for operating expenses. It's on the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services website. Most other states should have something similar.

Pastel Tortie

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Jul 31, 2018
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This question really made me pause. There are a multitude of possible and plausible explanations for this. Where to begin?

PETA is evil, but they are not stupid. They are brilliant marketers and they know how to spin information to suit their purposes. They receive millions of dollars in donations annually from people who mean well, but don't understand who and what they are supporting. They use that money to get more and more restrictive animal rights legislation passed. They have teams of lawyers and lobbyists trying any and every avenue they can find to shut down any kind of animal based business. Because of them we no longer have apes or elephants in the entertainment industry. Now they are working on big cats and bears. The people who call the shots are afraid of them and their threats. People like me, who are their target, have to go to work every day. I'm not a politician or lobbyist. No one gives me millions of dollars a year to expose and shut down PETA. Its a one sided fight and despite the principals of freedom, the American way, and right vs. wrong, they are continuously gaining ground. They put people through school and then get them hired into government positions upon graduation, so they can further their animal rights agenda. They pay people to go undercover in animal businesses, and if they can't find anything wrong, they make something wrong, or make something up entirely.

How are they able to do what they do? Because people are gullible. They see the awful pictures, read the spin, and believe the lies. I don't want to start talking politics, but this is reminiscent of so much else that is wrong with our country. PETA are leftists, and their leftist tactics with animals are the same as the left's tactics with other issues. Think about it. We fought two world wars and lost millions of allied soldier's lives to stop the spread and take over of communism/socialism. Now a guy gets on TV and openly admits he's a socialist with a socialist agenda, and roughly half the country wants to vote for him because he's offering free stuff to people that they don't have to earn. Let that sink in... Mind you, the other side isn't any better. All of them are liars and none of them have the interest of America or American's as a priority.

All we can do is talk about and expose the lies. If enough people catch on, we can at least slow their progress.
Okay, I did find something nice to say:
They hire really talented writers.

Unfortunately, they lack the fact-checking, accountability, and transparency to go with it. :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2018
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I don’t like peta and I have been vegan/vegeterian for the last 7 years, I guess you guys will hate me because of this but I do not care. Peta and everyone who judge me for not eating flesh may go to hell ! hehe


The Dog Trainer
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I don’t like peta and I have been vegan/vegeterian for the last 7 years, I guess you guys will hate me because of this but I do not care. Peta and everyone who judge me for not eating flesh may go to hell ! hehe
I don't hate you. Its none of my business what you or anyone else eats. I don't eat lots of stuff that I don't like. That's not a reason to hate someone.

Here is how I look at it: You don't like steak? More for me!!!

Your food preferences have nothing to do with whether or not I like you, or anyone else.

Billna the 2

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I don’t like peta and I have been vegan/vegeterian for the last 7 years, I guess you guys will hate me because of this but I do not care. Peta and everyone who judge me for not eating flesh may go to hell ! hehe
Good to hear it •Now hold up and let me eat•[emoji490][emoji491][emoji488][emoji487][emoji894][emoji895][emoji482]


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2018
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Brighton, Southcoast, UK
Yes, domestic terrorist organization. Ben, I know you live in the UK, but you might be too young to remember the foot-and-mouth (FMD) epizootic that occurred there in 2001. PETA said that was a GOOD thing.

And that's probably one of the nicest things that I can bring myself to say about them.
I haven’t heard of that before, could you explain it to me?
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