Pretend Chat 2.14


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Nov 2, 2013
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southeast Washington
I'm going to be in PA for 2 years. maybe i can find some rescue russians to add. right now my male and female are in 2 different 8ft by 4ft enclosures.
When you get there you can see how much room your parents will let you have :) that might dictate a lot. When I first started with my tortoise I was totally clueless and definitely not ready to race a hatchling. I feel I could do it now but I'm not going to. I am going to add one or two more box turtles. I have room outdoors for a couple more Russians also but I don't have the room indoors. and since I am not brave enough to hibernate them that has kept me from getting more.


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Jun 24, 2012
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I onl

I only have one prescription and none of the prescription drug insurance companies cover that medication. It costs me $110 every three months. So I'm paying $22 a month for a prescription drug plan that doesn't pay for my prescription - merely because I'm thinking some time in the future I may have need of a medication that will be covered. That's just plain stupid! So tomorrow I'm going to cancel my prescription drug plan and every month put aside $22 for the 'in case I ever need another prescription" prescription. I can cancel under Obamacare, right?
Back when i was suffering my stomach issues they finally put me on the one medication where i actually felt better and could eat and function again (Nexium when it was still newer to the market) and it cost us $50 for a month supply! Even the dr thought it was ridiculous and kept sending me home with handfuls of sample packs to avoid such ridiculous payments, i eventually had to get off it and bump back down to the less effective Prevacid... which in the time taking it they went through a massive thing with store brands taking their formulas so it all was off the shelf for months and i started missing work because the pain came back. Long story short there are 2 things that are just inhumane when it comes to dealing with peoples meds: costing ridiculous amounts and taking the entire thing off the shelf for no reason other than not wanting store brand versions to come out.

Heather H

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Jan 9, 2015
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Best news today! My water pump went bad and it was covered under warranty! We thought we were past the warranty period! Yay!!
Second, my husband contacted the manufacturer of his medication that cost us $260 every month and he got a coupon to use until Dec for $25 but our insurance covered that so it's free!!! You guys should try it if you have an expensive prescription .
Way good news


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Jun 24, 2012
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Nick you'd have no problem finding a rescue russian or box turtle up here, i know of at least 2 large rescues based in NY, not to mention other sources of rescues


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Jul 31, 2012
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Morning all :) just popping in to say Happy Saturday:)
Busy day with work stuff and watching House of Cards ;)

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