Pretend Chat 2.14


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Jun 23, 2014
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My cat Mini died about half hour ago. I thought I had more time with her. She had a good evening and then went down very quickly. It was her big rally before the end I guess. I've seen people do that and animals too. I'll miss the little pooper:-( :-(
Sorry... Losing a pet is always hard. :(


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern CA High Desert
Holy Cr__p!! We got more water outta the sky this evening than we've gotten all winter! About 6p the sky started to darken. By 6:30 it was cracking thunder right over my house, rattling the windows. Then the sky opened up! In about 5 minutes my driveway was flooded and water was running like a river down the hill in front of my house. The rain came down so hard that it tore one of the panels in my old greenhouse's roof. It rained like that, huge drops and heavy, for about a half hour. Windy, rainy...terrible stuff. I wanted to get a picture of it, but my batteries were dead..
I have never seen it rain like this in the desert especially this time of year and I'm loving it. It is a god send with all the wild fires we’ve been having.

I’ve collected all the water I can. I have a dozen garbage cans filled, but I need to move them and they are too heavy and flimsy to move without breaking. I was using 5 gal buckets to empty the garbage cans so they could collect more water, but now they are all filled.


The weather report says there is a 50% chance of more rain today. If I knew that for sure we would get what we had yesterday, I’d set up a vinyl swimming pool to collect more rain water and empty all these garbage cans into. :)

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Yes. It was amazing. I couldn't stop watching it out the window.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern CA High Desert
Yeah, that's the stuff. My greenhouse is 20 years old and the material covering the panels is plastic film. I'm lucky it has lasted as long as it has. We've already had to replace three of the panels due to degradation from the sun, and each time it cost $79 per sheet of film. I wanted to try to find something a bit more sturdy this time.

Here's what last night's rain did:

View attachment 139809
Back in the early 80s I built a greenhouse similar to yours only much larger for a collage in northern CA. I think it was 50 x 200 ft if I remember correctly and the panels were very expensive. It took a month or two with a helper to build and I really enjoyed it except that it go so hot inside that I had to work at night.

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
I have never seen it rain like this in the desert especially this time of year and I'm loving it. It is a god send with all the wild fires we’ve been having.

I’ve collected all the water I can. I have a dozen garbage cans filled, but I need to move them and they are too heavy and flimsy to move without breaking. I was using 5 gal buckets to empty the garbage cans so they could collect more water, but now they are all filled.


The weather report says there is a 50% chance of more rain today. If I knew that for sure we would get what we had yesterday, I’d set up a vinyl swimming pool to collect more rain water and empty all these garbage cans into. :)
Do what I do I have a large pond pump , I cut off one brass end put it to the pump drop the pump in the container with the hose hocked to it and plug it in and move the hose not the container ! Have a great tort day !

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Oh I was out in it enjoying every moment of it. I think I may have ruined my shoes though because it looks like they're falling apart this morning.

***Yvonne inserts tongue in cheek*** That's the trouble with wearing cardboard shoes!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
There's no sun today...just a gray, overcast and humid morning. But it's so very quiet and peaceful outside. Not even the slightest breeze. Of course, being Sunday morning, there's no traffic on my busy street either, adding to the quietness of the morning. We got so much water yesterday I won't have to water the tortoise yards today, my normal Sunday chore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern CA High Desert
The weirdest thing is happening with my back. It just now is starting to hurt from all the water bucket moving last night. I was fine when I woke up and I don’t know what I did to trigger it.

I just took some ibuprofen and waiting for the BenGay my wife rubbed in to work. Dang I can’t even walk at the moment and I wish I had back brace so I can get stuff done today.


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Jul 3, 2014
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NW Houston TX
The weirdest thing is happening with my back. It just now is starting to hurt from all the water bucket moving last night. I was fine when I woke up and I don’t know what I did to trigger it.

I just took some ibuprofen and waiting for the BenGay my wife rubbed in to work. Dang I can’t even walk at the moment and I wish I had back brace so I can get stuff done today.
Forget trying to get something done. Take it from someone who's broken their back before. That pain your feeling... It's your bodies way of telling you that you've done too much already.

Tidgy's Dad

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Forget trying to get something done. Take it from someone who's broken their back before. That pain your feeling... It's your bodies way of telling you that you've done too much already.
Yep, i got the back pains 10 years ago and have done nothing since.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Southern CA High Desert
Forget trying to get something done. Take it from someone who's broken their back before. That pain your feeling... It's your bodies way of telling you that you've done too much already.
Thanks, but I just called into work to fix an Air Conditioner so I'm going to take another ibuprofen and head on in. I don't want another tech to respond because they always make things worst. :mad:

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
The weirdest thing is happening with my back. It just now is starting to hurt from all the water bucket moving last night. I was fine when I woke up and I don’t know what I did to trigger it.

I just took some ibuprofen and waiting for the BenGay my wife rubbed in to work. Dang I can’t even walk at the moment and I wish I had back brace so I can get stuff done today.

Muscle spasm. Very painful. And it seems like there's no position you can get yourself into to relieve the pain. My daughter told me to alternate hot and cold. An ice pack for about 15 minutes, then a heating pad for 15 minutes. I've tried it, and I can't say it offered any relief.


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Dang I can’t even walk at the moment and I wish I had back brace so I can get stuff done today.
I had a pinched nerve in my lower back not too far back. I finally went to the doctor when crawling was the easiest thing to do. The doctor looked at me and said,“Ken you've lost the curvature of your lower back! " it wasn't pretty.

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