Pretend Chat 2.14


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
I put a jingle bell on the dogs collar. That was the extent of my Christmas decorating.

I think it's time to give this cough away! Who wants it?

I always put Vick's on my feet when I have a cough! You guys don't?
Give it a try next time, but wear socks too! It works!!

Watching the Charger game while sipping Mexican hot chocolate.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
I'm cooking steak yummy ! Not doing much today but hanging around the house drinking beer .


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Just waking up. Mexican chocolate? I'd like a cup of plain chocolate with marshmallows please.

Maggie Cummings

I have done zilch.

That's cause you slept all day. I got up at 3:30AM, got a lot done, 'cept I was cleaning the 250 gallon tank with the Mollies and Pleco, and I dropped a 5 gallon bucket of water on the living room carpet and me. Darn, it was ugly.
And in an hour I'm going to a bonfire with carolers, then later a candlelight vigil for the Corvallis homeless, they closed the cold weather shelter. Damn, I know how to have a good time....anybody want to go too??? Yeah, me neither....but I'm going to support a cause I believe in. The homeless people here are not treated like people. It pisses me off....they're no good because they're homeless??? BS

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Every homeless person is homeless for a reason . We seem to think its a bad reason but most of the time it's not . I will bet if you offer a beer or food they will take the food . I've seen a lot of homeless people most have mental disorders . Their families will not help out with . Sure some are drug users but most aren't . I've met some cool homeless people that just wanted a chance to stand on their two feet . But when life kicked them down nobody was there to pick them up . So I applaud you Maggie . People are so willing to send 50¢ over sea's to starving people when they're so many here in the USA . When I take metal to scrap there's a old homeless guy . He lives off cans . He will not let you buy him anything . But he will talk your ear off. He gets a shower from the truck stop and washes his clothes there to . He lives in a old rv trailer next to the truck stop . No lights running water just a roof and some walls . This guy is one of the happiest people I've ever met . He's clean cut to doesn't really look homeless but he is .

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Anyone have some apple pie and ice cream ? Don't know why but it sounds so good .

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Got a new little tortoises what not .

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mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
It's an ivory sulcata with a baby on on her back . My son got it for me . I think it's cool .


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
That's cause you slept all day. I got up at 3:30AM, got a lot done, 'cept I was cleaning the 250 gallon tank with the Mollies and Pleco, and I dropped a 5 gallon bucket of water on the living room carpet and me. Darn, it was ugly.
And in an hour I'm going to a bonfire with carolers, then later a candlelight vigil for the Corvallis homeless, they closed the cold weather shelter. Damn, I know how to have a good time....anybody want to go too??? Yeah, me neither....but I'm going to support a cause I believe in. The homeless people here are not treated like people. It pisses me off....they're no good because they're homeless??? BS

Zilch for Christmas. I worked until 7 am yesterday, picked up critter food from two stores, had a Taco John's breakfast burrito and put gas in the tank before I went to bed.

Glad that you are active like that Maggie.

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