Pretend Chat 2.14


Maggie Cummings

Good morning back to work today . Mondays suck!

Replied to Mikes other post, sorry wrong reply.....
But I don't want to live with so many people. Oregon has no people. I can go into the Safeway on Saturday and there's maybe 3 people in there. I was born and raised in Calif. S.F. to be exact. Now, I might be thinking about King City, or the 5 cities(my grand kid family lives in Pismo.) Gonna be in the low 50's today with, guess what.....RAIN!!! I have to go thru pouring, and I mean pouring rain to feed in the tort shed. I have to wear rubber boots and have slipped and fallen in the mud, where it used to be Bob's grass. All the torts should be outside now. It bothers me they're not. For the next week we have...wait for it.......RAIN and 50 daytime and high 30's at night. Really looking forward to this week. I do plan on washing the mud dirt etc off my car, and let it rain on a clean car. Man these new tires slide on the wet. I can do easy donuts in an intersection. In fact, (don't tell my sis) I went into an empty parking lot yesterday and simply fooled around. I found I can only do consecutive 3 donuts before I start to lose it. I practiced drifting, man, I'd like to get into that, only I'm not Chinese, they are the best at it. A cop was called by someone. So I got a visit, and this is exactly what he said, (I knew him) "I'd like to arrest you for reckless driving, but you weren't reckless, you really have control of that car" "So I'll give you a trespassing ticket. The jerk.
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Maggie Cummings

sarcasm is the ability to insult idiot without them realizing it. of course if they do eventually figure it out you better run because they're going to be angry.

Sh*t, let'em run and be angry at me...I'm always looking for a fight. In fact, I'm not afraid of getting my a** beat. I'll fight at the drop of a disrespect. And I'm gonna be 70 in 2 months. I thought I'd be over all the bada**ness by this age. Nope, I'm worse than ever, especially since losing Bob.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Does anyone watch "Lucifer" on Fox? Tom Ellis is the actor who plays the part of the vacationing devil. I really love the way he plays the character. He has the art of innuendo down pat. He can make the simplest, most innocent comment seem dirty.

Another one I've recently discovered is Rosewood. I like that one too, but the lead actor isn't a very good actor.

It's a bit windy today. I hate the wind. So I'm going to stay in the house and pout. I was going to load up my new electric (and on wheels) sprayer and spray all the weeds I chopped down with my Weedeater, but can't spray in the wind.

Misty keeps bringing me toys to play with. She's too strong for me. I can't play with her anymore.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Last night I woke up to two cats fighting on top of me. They nailed my face pretty good. :( Not the best way to wake up.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I felt sorry for Misty and her toys, so I took her out into the pasture and chased her around with the rake. She loves that game. She runs, I push the rake at her and don't have to run. Hopefully I've tired her out enough that she'll leave her toys and me alone so I can veg with my Kindle.

I'm trying a new recipe for lunch. I had almost a whole loaf of sourdough bread left over and I don't eat it once it's not super fresh anymore. So I'm making a casserole using the leftover french bread. It looks and smells good, but won't be done until 11:30.


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
I felt sorry for Misty and her toys, so I took her out into the pasture and chased her around with the rake. She loves that game. She runs, I push the rake at her and don't have to run. Hopefully I've tired her out enough that she'll leave her toys and me alone so I can veg with my Kindle.

I'm trying a new recipe for lunch. I had almost a whole loaf of sourdough bread left over and I don't eat it once it's not super fresh anymore. So I'm making a casserole using the leftover french bread. It looks and smells good, but won't be done until 11:30.

Sounds like a great way to tire her out!
One of our games is to tease the dogs and say " who's on my bed, get off right now!" Especially when I'm trying to change the sheets. It so funny when they growl at us while play bowing and jumping on and off while trying to get my sheets on. Doesn't tire them but it's fun.

Your lunch sounds good. I love bread!!

My friend is coming for lunch Thursday and I don't know what to serve.
Maybe I'll make a lasagna Wednesday and we can have the left overs with salad.


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Found out yesterday that someone filed a tax return in our name and they were expecting a refund! Not anymore!!
They had all our info!
I hope they catch them!!
We now have a special password from the IRS.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Found out yesterday that someone filed a tax return in our name and they were expecting a refund! Not anymore!!
They had all our info!
I hope they catch them!!
We now have a special password from the IRS.

Oh lordy, that's pretty scarey. Good thing you caught it. Do you think you have other venues to worry about? credit cards, etc? How could they file without your W2?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
My new godzilla toy is coming tomorrow from eBay can't wait so what's up with you

Just kickin' back waiting for the wind to die down so I can go outside and take some measurements for the paleontologist. In case you didn't already know, I HATE THE WIND!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego
Oh lordy, that's pretty scarey. Good thing you caught it. Do you think you have other venues to worry about? credit cards, etc? How could they file without your W2?

Good question! I believe my husband said they just make them up. It happens to people all the time.

We had a card comprised a few months ago. They bought a few thousand dollars worth of stuff.