Pretend Chat 2.14


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
They took JJ (grandson) in for a postop appt yesterday and found out his lung was filling with liquid. So he is back in the hospital , so they can drain it and try to figure out why it happened

Prayers for your family today:(

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Jacqui I hope Everything ends well for your grand baby . Sending prayers your way .


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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Appearantly, the fluid is a possible side from the heart surgery. I believed they removed over a liter of fluid, which seems an impossibly large amount. They will keep draining his lung for the next three days or so.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Mother Nature is having fun in Nebraska tonight. Tornado watches, road closures for snow, wind gusts to 45 mph. Something for everybody! It is spring in Nebraska. Did I mention we were in the upper 70s earlier in the day?
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The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I may not be the funniest or the smartest or the richest or the best-looking or the most talented or wait a minute I forgot where I was going with this

Maggie Cummings

Mother Nature is having fun in Nebraska tonight. Toado watches, road closures for snow, wind gusts to 45 mph. Something for everybody! It is spring in Nebraska. Did I mention we were in the upper 70s earlier in the day?

toad watches? Do ya get just loads of toads or what?...:p


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Morning All as well, though it's my opinion I will be snoozing soonish.
Is anyone interested in a recent report of the findings showing a decrease in sea turtle by-catch mortality rates from entanglement with gill-nets when LED lights are added to the nets? It doesn't impact fish capture rates, and saves endangered sea turtles. Let me know and I'll post the article from the study in the sea turtles section.
And happy Thursday to all,
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
What a difference a day makes! Yesterday, I was wearing a t-shirt outside. I was actually doing some painting. Today, brrrrr cold! Not even 32 and then there is the strong wind. Just glad I do not live in CO.

Maggie Cummings

What a difference a day makes! Yesterday, I was wearing a t-shirt outside. I was actually doing some painting. Today, brrrrr cold! Not even 32 and then there is the strong wind. Just glad I do not live in CO.
I actually am going to go thru Colorado to see Bob's sponsor, so then...
I am green with jealousy
You'd better watch what you say Missy, I could come see you then head straight South to wouldn't be that far out of my way. Hell, on a road trip is there really an "out of the way" Here I come, better clean your house and put clean sheets on the couch....hahahaha

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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A short while ago I bought a 5 gallon, electric sprayer. I tried it out this a.m. And I'm tellin' you...WHAT A GREAT INVENTION!! I used to use a 3 or 4 (?) gallon back pack sprayer. It kills my shoulders where the straps go, and you have to keep pumping it all the time. This new one is on wheels and has a rechargeable battery with a mini air compressor inside. So I mixed up my Round-Up solution, added 5 gallons of water and a bit of emulsifier and turned it on. Wow! How easy it is. No pumping. No back breaking. I sprayed the whole driveway in about 20 minutes. The bad part of it (there always has to be a down side, huh?) is cleaning it out. It's real hard to rinse it out what with the long handle, the wheels and the large capacity.

So now I've got the Weedeater sitting in the sun and in a few minutes I'll be going out to whack down the jungle around the barn. I finally have my mojo back. It has taken a heck of a long time to recuperate from the kidney stone. But I'm rarin' to go!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2015
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grand terrace ca
A short while ago I bought a 5 gallon, electric sprayer. I tried it out this a.m. And I'm tellin' you...WHAT A GREAT INVENTION!! I used to use a 3 or 4 (?) gallon back pack sprayer. It kills my shoulders where the straps go, and you have to keep pumping it all the time. This new one is on wheels and has a rechargeable battery with a mini air compressor inside. So I mixed up my Round-Up solution, added 5 gallons of water and a bit of emulsifier and turned it on. Wow! How easy it is. No pumping. No back breaking. I sprayed the whole driveway in about 20 minutes. The bad part of it (there always has to be a down side, huh?) is cleaning it out. It's real hard to rinse it out what with the long handle, the wheels and the large capacity.

So now I've got the Weedeater sitting in the sun and in a few minutes I'll be going out to whack down the jungle around the barn. I finally have my mojo back. It has taken a heck of a long time to recuperate from the kidney stone. But I'm rarin' to go!!
Good for you right now I'm just doing nothing


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
A short while ago I bought a 5 gallon, electric sprayer. I tried it out this a.m. And I'm tellin' you...WHAT A GREAT INVENTION!! I used to use a 3 or 4 (?) gallon back pack sprayer. It kills my shoulders where the straps go, and you have to keep pumping it all the time. This new one is on wheels and has a rechargeable battery with a mini air compressor inside. So I mixed up my Round-Up solution, added 5 gallons of water and a bit of emulsifier and turned it on. Wow! How easy it is. No pumping. No back breaking. I sprayed the whole driveway in about 20 minutes. The bad part of it (there always has to be a down side, huh?) is cleaning it out. It's real hard to rinse it out what with the long handle, the wheels and the large capacity.

So now I've got the Weedeater sitting in the sun and in a few minutes I'll be going out to whack down the jungle around the barn. I finally have my mojo back. It has taken a heck of a long time to recuperate from the kidney stone. But I'm rarin' to go!!

You're way more productive than I am today! I did run to the store but I have a huge headache and this baby won't stay asleep today. Usually it's 9:30-12ish but today nada! Just a couple cat naps while I'm trying to care for the torts and get lunch ready for my friend who is coming on her lunch break.
I never get headaches!

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