Pretend Chat 2.14

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
You don't like fish and shrimp?

Depends. I used to really like fish sticks, but that was in the dark ages when I was a young mother of three kids with not much money to buy groceries and fish sticks were cheap and easy. I like Prawns from the chinese restaurant. But I don't like fish and I don't like shrimp.


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Jun 24, 2015
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I will eat all the seafood. Especially crab

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I'm waiting for someone from NorCal to bring me their Russian tortoise. They're supposed to be here around noon. I don't know the story yet, only that they are looking for someone to take their Russian tortoise.

I'm defrosting a nice steak for lunch. I have a hankerin' for a big hunk of red meat, mashed taters and gravy!



Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I'm waiting for someone from NorCal to bring me their Russian tortoise. They're supposed to be here around noon. I don't know the story yet, only that they are looking for someone to take their Russian tortoise.

I'm defrosting a nice steak for lunch. I have a hankerin' for a big hunk of red meat, mashed taters and gravy!


Sounds good to me.


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Jun 24, 2015
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I am fed up with how grumpy the BF gets during moving. If he didn't have so much stuff he wouldn't have to panic about moving it. Grumble grumble.

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
It looks like something the dog threw up.
Don't be hating the southern quizine ! Man it's good . Way better than fried fish . I love sea food of all kinds . I also love catfish ! So good and so many different ways of cooking them slimy delicious fish . Great now I have to eat some more damn the bad luck . Off to the ice box later!

Maggie Cummings

Well, I'm going to say this calmly and nicely so I don't get into goes. The jerk that ran the red light and hit me was driving a Budget rental car without Budget's insurance. BUT he told Budget he had insurance on his own car that would cover the rental in an accident. SO, (she takes a deep breath) he does not even own a car, so he has NO INSURANCE. Budget says it's not their responsibility. State Farm, won't cover a rental car for me for 2 weeks SO this is what I have done. Without using the same language here that I did to State Farm, but I have paid them hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years to protect my precious IROC. I have NEVER had an f'ing claim. They can't make an exception for a senior disabled person who lives 4 miles outside of town with no bus service??? I told them I expected a $3000 check by monday, and they could shove their insurance up where the sun don't shine. Only I used a LOT of F words and worse than that. So I will use the $3000, to go see my great granddaughter when she is born, and I will simply allow my car to progress to the piece of junk every one thinks it is. I am the only person that thinks that car is something. Well, it's not. Thanks to all the vandalism on it, it has become a piece of junk, I will no longer pay for insurance that does not do crap. I drove that car thinking I was Dale Earnhardt for 28 years without an accident, so now I will drive it like I think I'm Kyle Busch only I won't pay a dime again for any insurance. Guess I have to give up on the idea if showing it. oh well, nobody gives a darn but me. I will stop now as I am so mad, I am seriously afraid I will say something I shouldn't. So adios for tonight. I hope all the chatters except MIke are fine. I figure he's sitting on the potty by now after eating that stuff.....
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Maggie Cummings

Don't be hating the southern quizine ! Man it's good . Way better than fried fish . I love sea food of all kinds . I also love catfish ! So good and so many different ways of cooking them slimy delicious fish . Great now I have to eat some more damn the bad luck . Off to the ice box later!

The description of "slimy" just makes it sound so darned appetizing!!! Sort of like the way boiled peanuts look. yuck! twice!!

Maggie Cummings

I'm gonna go eat worms, then see if there's any of my hated neighbors out that I can go fight with......:)


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
OK you....I sent you Queenie as a surprize gift, now you send that adorable bloom to me. OMG, What a beautiful kitten....

Wish you were here, so you could be trying to feed her. I had to bring her in and I majorly suck at feeding the little ones and she is not helping.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
My grandmother used to sing a song about eating worms . Something like ..... nobody likes everybody hates me I'm running off to eat worms . She would sing that when one of us kids didn't get our way and was throwing a fit. Come to think of it man that was mean . My boys used to come to me crying about something. I'd tell them . You need to take that to your mother I have no titties for you to suckle on. You cry baby . Come to think of that . Man I was mean . But it made them stop crying over everything. It sucks that your Insurance Company isn't helping more Maggie. I hate dealing with insurance. I think it a good concept but doesn't work well for both parties. I would like to see a company let you pay a monthly note while taking like 4%. For handling and what not . But all the other money's you've paid over the years is there for your car repair or the other person's car repair . Sorta like a savings account your made to have in case of a wreck. I didn't understand how the company can take so much cash over the years and not have to pay out a certain percentage of the money you've put in . No matter what your car is worth . But they go by market value of the car . Over a life time you've pain probably over 100000 in insurance yet they only give you 3000 to repair a car that to you is priceless.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Frank's hot sauce is awesome. I like the old lady in the commercial. She says , I put that **** on everything. Too funny to see an old lady cuss .
My grandmother trys so hard to be a sweet woman ,but when you aggravate her she will cuss . Or if you scare her . She'll call you a little bass turd . Trying not to cuss . Bass turd that's funny right there . That's where I get my attitude I guess . I find myself using a lot of my grandparents sayings these days . My favorite is what my grandfather would tell me . Son you've got to be smarter than what you're working with . Basically calling you stupid but in the polite way. So funny !
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