Pretend Chat 2.14


Unknown Member
10 Year Member!
Feb 5, 2011
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you need a laptop. It seems to me you're missing out on a lot....?

have a laptop; but watching videos on my phone while mobile/working used too much data. I can live with a ~$250 phone bill every month; $300 seems excessive.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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Ahh thats interesting. I may like a vintage camera for my shelf. I like to collect older things to display at my apartment like arrow heads, microscopes.

I really like that Kodak Six 16 : )

I'm crazy about box cameras. I have to buy them every time I see them. I even shoot with some of them.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
How are you Jacqui?:)

I am tired. Trying to stay awake on the drive home. Then I need to walk dogs and feed cats. Rain and cold are coming, so I need to plant the last plants. My baby boy came out yesterday and dug my holes. I didn't plant, because I wasn't sure my knee would then hold up for stocking last night



Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 31, 2012
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Sunny AZ
I am tired. Trying to stay awake on the drive home. Then I need to walk dogs and feed cats. Rain and cold are coming, so I need to plant the last plants. My baby boy came out yesterday and dug my holes. I didn't plant, because I wasn't sure my knee would then hold up for stocking last night

I'm not too bad.
Cleaning and catching up on things around the house. I registered for my online class for a driving ticket I need to take care of.
I'm just getting everything ready because tonight starts the month of going in at midnight

Maggie Cummings

have a laptop; but watching videos on my phone while mobile/working used too much data. I can live with a ~$250 phone bill every month; $300 seems excessive.

You're crazy dude...:<3:. I have a cow and complain to Verizon if my bill's over $20.....LOL Seriously, tho I hear ya. Between the modem for my drive-in movie screen, and the one for my antique TV in my bedroom, plus my Internet, I have 2 laptops, and all the crap for my Smart TV (smarter than me), my special channels so I can watch NASCAR, and my Verizon bill, it all runs $130 a month. That's a lot of kinda wasteful for me as poor as I am. But hell, if ya can't have some pleasures in life WTF?????

Maggie Cummings

I had a great Thanksgiving. On Wednesday my friends up the street (yes, I do have a few friends), and I fixed a complete dinner for a meth head who's 117 days clean and it also was his birthday. So I baked an apple pie to go with dinner, and his favorite brownies for his birthday, and we took it all to his room, and had a very good time. We laughed and joked and the food was good and so was the company. It ended up being an AA meeting, but that was good too.
Then on Thanksgiving I made myself just the best ham, and the rest of the 'fixins', and somehow went to sleep on the couch with all the food mess around me and slept until 7PM! I never nap. But I guess I was tired. Still haven't cleaned the house like was my plan. That darned TV gets me every time. And something forces me to turn it on. teehee.
The biggest news is the Beavers beat the Ducks in the Civil War. The town was packed. I hate college football. But go Beavs!!!!!
So no NASCAR until Feb 26th. So this is my depressing time of year. And I am stuck going to church for 4 months. Ha! Punishment for being bad.
If the Pastor sees me during his sermon he'll say "I see Maggie's here. Must not be any NASCAR". Punishment for being bad.....LOL

Maggie Cummings

I'm not too bad.
Cleaning and catching up on things around the house. I registered for my online class for a driving ticket I need to take care of.
I'm just getting everything ready because tonight starts the month of going in at midnight

I've had to do the online classes a few times...(LOL)'ll zip right thru it. If you're in doubt, go to the DMV and get the Motor Vehicle book. It has all the answers in it....good luck.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
It rained off and on all night long. Plenty of puddles around the yard today. The sky is still low and it's quite dark out there. I fed everyone inside their sheds and am keeping their doors closed. . . all except the Aldabran tortoises. If their door is shut they keep pushing it and banging on it until they break the fastener. This is great weather for seeds I planted in the leopard yard.

Speaking of the leopard yard, I'm going to have to give them more room. I thought the reason their grass wasn't doing well was because the next door neighbor has a cottonwood tree right next to the fence and I figured the roots were taking all the moisture and nutrients from the soil. But because two of the leopards insisted upon sheltering underneath the bushes at the back of their yard instead of going into the shed, I took one of those doggy fences and blocked off the back portion of their yard so they couldn't reach the bushes, and you should see how nicely the grass is growing on the side of that fence that the tortoises can't get to. In other words, the tortoises are eating the grass down to the nub. Their yard is right next to the horse pasture, so I have plenty of space to open their fence and give them more room. Oh boy! Another project. I live for projects.

Gillian M

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2014
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Gillian! How nice to see you here. What's new? Still hot there or has it started to cool off?
Hi Yvonne and thanks. HOT?! Temperature has dropped to only 7 deg C during the day, whilst at night it reaches ZERO deg C and even less, with frost formation. Oli and I are FREEZING to death!

Maggie Cummings

We have rain. I copied that so I don't have to type it daily. Just look at the Pacific Northwest.....rain, ice, snow, take your pick. We are having severe weather. I wish I could find the map you used.....


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