Pretend Chat 2.14


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Sep 13, 2009
Good morning all...Its getting a bit too cold to work outside today (comfortably), BUT tomorrow is suppose to be 60!!!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego
Good morning!!
We are expecting 1.50" of rain starting this evening into Friday night!
So exciting for us!!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Well my night has taken a down swing. Was having a slice of ham, when CRUNCH. I broke the two teeth holding my upper crown off at the gun line. :(

Aw heck, darn it! And I s'pose you don't have dental insurance. Didn't you just recently go to the dentist?

Good morning!

Well, it's a "good" morning for me, not so much for you though.

After hearing I will probally be needing laser surgery on my right eye in a couple of months and then breaking off those teeth, I was expecting a third bad thing. Well I may get something bad still, but as I pulled up to the window to buy my Chia tea, I was told the person infront of me, paid for my drink. :) Sweet!

Laser surgery? Did you speak of this before and I just missed it? Do you have a cataract? Too bad you hadn't ordered a full breakfast to be paid for.

So many of our members are telling of depressing times in their lives. It's hard to be upbeat when so much is going wrong. @Jacqui - have you heard any more about your trip overseas?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Good morning all...Its getting a bit too cold to work outside today (comfortably), BUT tomorrow is suppose to be 60!!!

Hi Luke! Cold, Pf-f-f-ft! Put on a jacket.

Good morning!!
We are expecting 1.50" of rain starting this evening into Friday night!
So exciting for us!!

It has just started to sprinkle here. Nothing big, just a light sprinkle.

How true, how true!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Oh man...I'm having a heck of a time getting it in gear. It's cold and I'm lazy. I hate taking the tortoise food pans out when it's raining. I've got my hands full with tortoise food and no hand left to hold the umbrella. By the time I'm finished with all the tortoises I'm wet clear through. Oh well, I guess I've got to do it to it. Later. . .


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
San Diego
Our retaining wall is done!! It took 3 days and almost 1000 blocks!!
I can't wait for the new asphalt!!
It's the best present ever!!
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Maggie Cummings

Well my night has taken a down swing. Was having a slice of ham, when CRUNCH. I broke the two teeth holding my upper crown off at the gun line. :(

Super glue them back in place if it's just one piece. I'm sorry Jacqui. I frequently had the same problem until I had all my teeth knocked out. Best thing that ever happened.


Here's Maggie's morning saga..
I see a friend going to town so I wave and tell him to be careful....what? No newspaper???? So I call, wait while it rings for a looong time. Then I get some broad in Indiana who tells me Corvallis is shut down, most businesses are closed and I'll get today's newspaper tomorrow. Really? I cannot and will not drink my morning tea without today's news. So I called Dept of Transportation, asked about the roads, he says they're asking everyone to stay home. Really? They have a dump truck full of lava rock and are getting ready to rock the roads. But that really doesn't do much for sliding. OK. So I start watching to see who left my neighborhood. Our little enclave has a pretty good hill before the entrance. So Acura's were leaving, and coming back in about a minute. I'm still in my jammies and cannot see the hill. Too bad, I'd take my camera. Anyhow, the Caddy goes by and comes back, the Dodge ram goes by, and is gone. OK it's IROC'S turn, I get dressed, all full of myself, my ability to drive and confidence in my car. I go out, fire it up, oh man, I love the sound of those Flowmasters. So I'm in reverse, I have a small burm across my carport, so I give it a hit and over the burm we go and I give it a "little" more gas and we slide fast to the right and I see the carport post coming at me, OMG! But it stops, (glad my Mom taught me to always pee before I left the house). So I go forward straighen it out, ( now aware what I'm dealing with), so over the burm, and very fast to the right and that pole, AGAIN. So I get out and look. There's about 1 inch of crunch ice balls and about 2 inches of flat out ice. I cannot even get out of my driveway. Wish I had, posi-trac Oh too bad, so I grabbed a hot cuppa, and a James Lee Burke book and a lavender afghan and I am out on the couch. Ya hoo! Good morning all. Thank the Lord for ice storms.....

and I'm fine Lacey I hope you are too. Bet Heather really got it, she's in Medford
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Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Sep 13, 2009
Hi Luke! Cold, Pf-f-f-ft! Put on a jacket.

Lol....Don't worry, I was still mildly productive. Finished the back wall of the fountain, and put in the 80 gallon "planter" for my blueberries. Feels like I've been digging that hole for days! In my spare time I like to browse Ebay and Youtube for gardening ideas for when spring arrives. I'm going to be adding a few inches of top soil to the
enclosure/garden as I should have done from the start. BUT this is good. I will be able to throw down what ever grass seed I want in the spring. The torts will still have a nice variety, but I really hate Bahia grass. I'd prefer Bermuda with various weeds mixed in. Bermuda has smaller leaves, stays relatively close to the ground (short), and the tortoises don't seem to like the mature Bahia. I have to go in there with the weed-eater and wack it all down.

Hopefully I can start the babies' outdoor pen soon.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
Good evening! Took a little Russian to it's new home tonight and am now waiting for a truckdriver to show up, so I can eat, shower and sleep.... heavy on the sleeping part