Pretend Chat 2.14

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
So my daughter drives over here this a.m. and between the two of us we get Misty into my truck. Back legs on the floor, front legs on the seat. A very uncomfortable-looking position, but I can't budge her any further. I drive over to the vet's office, a half hour drive, and we get out of the truck and walk over to the door. Big sign on the door, "Dr. will be out of the office after Dec. 12th until after Christmas."

So I had to get Misty back into the truck by myself. It took me about 15 minutes and both of us were panting when I finally got her inside.

I have a full size truck and you'd think there would be enough room on the passenger side for a dog, right? No. She's too big to be comfortable in there. And when you're manhandling her into the truck, you're working only with the floor space. And also, when you go around to the back of the dog, the front comes back out.

Whew! I certainly hope Misty's better on her own with no vet intervention by after Christmas. I'm going to the store in a minute to buy some baby aspirin for her.

Maggie Cummings

So my daughter drives over here this a.m. and between the two of us we get Misty into my truck. Back legs on the floor, front legs on the seat. A very uncomfortable-looking position, but I can't budge her any further. I drive over to the vet's office, a half hour drive, and we get out of the truck and walk over to the door. Big sign on the door, "Dr. will be out of the office after Dec. 12th until after Christmas."

So I had to get Misty back into the truck by myself. It took me about 15 minutes and both of us were panting when I finally got her inside.

I have a full size truck and you'd think there would be enough room on the passenger side for a dog, right? No. She's too big to be comfortable in there. And when you're manhandling her into the truck, you're working only with the floor space. And also, when you go around to the back of the dog, the front comes back out.

Whew! I certainly hope Misty's better on her own with no vet intervention by after Christmas. I'm going to the store in a minute to buy some baby aspirin for her.

What's wrong with Misty. Give her baby asprin. 80 mg is all

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
She's a three-legged dog. . . has been now for 5 days.

Maggie Cummings

OK, this is the third time I am trying to add pictures, and it's another try, and if it won't work, you just won't get to see ok.....Here's my Giant African Rhubarb in the summer.....

And winterDSCN3381.JPG

Just some for fun to see.......

And this is why I fall a lot. Have a container full of tort food in one hand and 2 gallons of water in the other, and whoops, there I go!!!!


Just a few for fun, I hope you enjoyed them, especially those of you in Calif with sun.....Be gratefull. I can't get out of my driveway still.......

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I was thinking about your rhubarb yesterday. I bought a giant only it comes from S. America. I was wondering if I could plant it in the rain forest. Our winters don't get snow and ice, only frost at night, so I should think it would be ok to plant it in the ground. Yours comes back in the spring, right?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I'm trying to get up the gumption to go outside and rake leaves. The nice, steady rain we had caused the remaining leaves to fall, so everywhere I look is leaves, LEAVES, LEAVES!!!

leaves 1.jpg leaves 2.jpg leaves 3.jpg leaves 4.jpg leaves 5.jpg leaves 6.jpg

And as you can see in the last picture, Misty is still a three-legged dog.

Leaves are wonderful, though, because I pile them up over the box turtles hibernating area, and over the desert tortoises and Texas tortoises. The Manouria use them in their nests, but by the time spring rolls around, the leaves are all gone. It's just so darned much work!
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Jun 24, 2015
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@Yvonne G - I'm starting to suspect the same things @Meganolvt mentioned in the other thread. If it is a knee injury then make sure she stays calm and doesn't exercise too much. If you wait too long (months) the tendons and ligaments can tighten and make the leg pretty much worthless which is going to be bad if she also have dysplasia.

Keep up the supplements and consider adding some form of anti inflammatory. You may even want to call the vets office and see if they have an answering service with suggestions of another vet you could visit - maybe one with an xray machine.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
@Yvonne G - I'm starting to suspect the same things @Meganolvt mentioned in the other thread. If it is a knee injury then make sure she stays calm and doesn't exercise too much. If you wait too long (months) the tendons and ligaments can tighten and make the leg pretty much worthless which is going to be bad if she also have dysplasia.

Keep up the supplements and consider adding some form of anti inflammatory. You may even want to call the vets office and see if they have an answering service with suggestions of another vet you could visit - maybe one with an xray machine.

For the tortoises I use the vet who used to be our zoo's vet, but she's now a mobile vet and doesn't have an x-ray machine either. But she would be able to prescribe. And I'm sure she'd be able to feel if it were the knee cap. I've tried, but I don't know exactly where to feel. I don't feel anything moving around on the front of her leg.

Maggie Cummings

I'm sorry Misty is having trouble. There's lots of Vets in your area, call a different one. You're trying that one on Olive aren't you. Petmart has a Vet also. It's not Petsmart It's something like Petmart. No memory. But I'd find a different Vet for this problem. I believe if she's been this way for 5 days, you better suck it up buttercup and go to a different Vet.:<3:

Now about your leaves....don't you have a blower? I do and that's what I'd use for all those leaves.....that looks like the kind of work that's just not fun.....

My African Rhubarb grows on the edge of the swamp. It likes it's roots to be wet. I water it everyday Spring and Summer. I think if you can keep it wet, it would do good at your house. I also think it can take the frost.
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Jun 24, 2015
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@Yvonne G - A mobile vet should be able to manipulate the joint and get a good idea of what is going on.


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Aug 25, 2015
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And it would be VERY unusual for it to be a kneecap thing (luxating patella) in a large older dog. Torn cruciate ligaments are extremely common, although there are other possibilities, like bone cancer, severe hip dysplasia, coxofemoral luxations (hip joint out), all which require xray to diagnose. Just please don't be giving aspirin, it's not very effective in dogs, can cause ulcers and bleeding, and makes it hard to switch to real dog pain medicines once they've been on it for a while.

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
It is 70 out today ,but tomorrow it's only going to be 45 . Crazy Texas weather.


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
So my daughter drives over here this a.m. and between the two of us we get Misty into my truck. Back legs on the floor, front legs on the seat. A very uncomfortable-looking position, but I can't budge her any further. I drive over to the vet's office, a half hour drive, and we get out of the truck and walk over to the door. Big sign on the door, "Dr. will be out of the office after Dec. 12th until after Christmas."

So I had to get Misty back into the truck by myself. It took me about 15 minutes and both of us were panting when I finally got her inside.

I have a full size truck and you'd think there would be enough room on the passenger side for a dog, right? No. She's too big to be comfortable in there. And when you're manhandling her into the truck, you're working only with the floor space. And also, when you go around to the back of the dog, the front comes back out.

Whew! I certainly hope Misty's better on her own with no vet intervention by after Christmas. I'm going to the store in a minute to buy some baby aspirin for her.

I'm so sorry to hear about Misty!
I hope you got her comfortable this evening. Did you find her another vet?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Had a crazy week!
My grandma passed away, my back is hurting like he**, construction around the yard, swapped bedrooms for my son and the baby, made cookies for the teachers,
and my son got a concussion on Monday at school playing flag football and I took him in Thursday for headaches! I thought he was sorta faking being sick to stay home. Oops!!
Other than that everything is great! Looking forward to the holiday's!

Loving the bit of rain we got!
Love all the snow pics you guys are posting!!

Sorry about Grandma. Is your back and your son both better?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
So sorry to hear about your Grandma :(

Having a son with concussion isn't good either - I've been there with mine; a rugby injury in his case :(

I hope your back recovers quickly. I find heat helps mine. Can you get single-use heat patches that stick your back in the US? You can buy them in pharmacies and grocery stores over here
View attachment 194923
View attachment 194924

so these actually work well?


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
So my daughter drives over here this a.m. and between the two of us we get Misty into my truck. Back legs on the floor, front legs on the seat. A very uncomfortable-looking position, but I can't budge her any further. I drive over to the vet's office, a half hour drive, and we get out of the truck and walk over to the door. Big sign on the door, "Dr. will be out of the office after Dec. 12th until after Christmas."

So I had to get Misty back into the truck by myself. It took me about 15 minutes and both of us were panting when I finally got her inside.

I have a full size truck and you'd think there would be enough room on the passenger side for a dog, right? No. She's too big to be comfortable in there. And when you're manhandling her into the truck, you're working only with the floor space. And also, when you go around to the back of the dog, the front comes back out.

Whew! I certainly hope Misty's better on her own with no vet intervention by after Christmas. I'm going to the store in a minute to buy some baby aspirin for her.

I missed something, what's wrong with her?


Well-Known Member
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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Sorry about Grandma. Is your back and your son both better?

Thank you.
My back is better but I still get annoying shooting pains. I just have to ice, stretch and be cautious of my movements.
My son doesn't have headaches but he has to rest during this holiday break.


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Oct 26, 2011
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Kent, South East England
so these actually work well?
They do for me. They're not cheap so you don't want to be using them for more than 3 or 4 days, but if you can get it over the right spot as soon as you get up in the morning it seems to reduce the spasms.

Obviously they don't fix the underlying cause, but if all that's needed is a short period of time without spasms so you can heal then they're good.

I end up back at my physiotherapist/osteopath if it's really severe.