Pretend Chat 2.14


Maggie Cummings

Using a heat pad would do the same thing and be cheaper, becuse I know you Jacqui have one in your closet. When I had my accident I was using a tens unit, that where they got that Salon Pas etc. It was a professional unit that didn't do crap, thSalon Pas cost close to $50 here. Use a heating pad, and take the day off....Lay around and do nothing. Give your back a rest.

Those are the orders from my Doc, on Friday. My spinal cord is swollen from falling down those damn stairs again. But his orders are a heating pad, and don't get off the couch. I'm getting ready for church.
Jacqui, I'd try the heating pad before you go spend that money.
Well, all you have a great day. I'll say adios this am so the rest of you can chat.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Using a heat pad would do the same thing and be cheaper, becuse I know you Jacqui have one in your closet. When I had my accident I was using a tens unit, that where they got that Salon Pas etc. It was a professional unit that didn't do crap, thSalon Pas cost close to $50 here. Use a heating pad, and take the day off....Lay around and do nothing. Give your back a rest.

Those are the orders from my Doc, on Friday. My spinal cord is swollen from falling down those damn stairs again. But his orders are a heating pad, and don't get off the couch. I'm getting ready for church.
Jacqui, I'd try the heating pad before you go spend that money.
Well, all you have a great day. I'll say adios this am so the rest of you can chat.

Actually I don't have a heating pad. I bought one a few years ago for some kittens, but have never used one.
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Maggie Cummings

Actually I don't have a hearing pad. I bought one a few years ago for some kittens, but have never used one.

Actually a (h e a t i n g) pad would work better than a hearing pad. Then go buy one they're about $10 I have to lay on one all damn day. I hurt my spinal cord weedeating.


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Using a heat pad would do the same thing and be cheaper, becuse I know you Jacqui have one in your closet. When I had my accident I was using a tens unit, that where they got that Salon Pas etc. It was a professional unit that didn't do crap, thSalon Pas cost close to $50 here. Use a heating pad, and take the day off....Lay around and do nothing. Give your back a rest.

Those are the orders from my Doc, on Friday. My spinal cord is swollen from falling down those damn stairs again. But his orders are a heating pad, and don't get off the couch. I'm getting ready for church.
Jacqui, I'd try the heating pad before you go spend that money.
Well, all you have a great day. I'll say adios this am so the rest of you can chat.

Dang, where are you buying your SalonPas? I buy a pack of six for about $12 or so at the grocery store.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I'm sorry Misty is having trouble. There's lots of Vets in your area, call a different one. You're trying that one on Olive aren't you. Petmart has a Vet also. It's not Petsmart It's something like Petmart. No memory. But I'd find a different Vet for this problem. I believe if she's been this way for 5 days, you better suck it up buttercup and go to a different Vet.:<3:

Now about your leaves....don't you have a blower? I do and that's what I'd use for all those leaves.....that looks like the kind of work that's just not fun.....

My African Rhubarb grows on the edge of the swamp. It likes it's roots to be wet. I water it everyday Spring and Summer. I think if you can keep it wet, it would do good at your house. I also think it can take the frost.

I've been going to, first, Dr. Otto Suda, since 1956. Then to his son, who took over the practice since 1975. Dr. Mike is a very good vet. He has been able to keep his prices down in the reasonable range and he's not one to advise brain surgery for a hangnail. Years ago when I had a doberman with a real bad skin condition I took her around to a few different vets in my area trying to find something that would help her stop itching. Dr. Suda had told me it was a flea allergy, but, of course, I knew better than he that I didn't have fleas. So off I went. Every one of those other doctors wanted to do real expensive things and real expensive medications to help the dog. And, guess what? In the end, it was a flea allergy. All it took was ONE flea and poor Sophie was in itch hell. I trust Dr. Suda. I'll try to make Misty comfortable until I can get in to see him.

The leaves are wet and too many. My leaf blower doesn't do a good job. And besides that, I prefer to rake them over blowing them.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I'm so sorry to hear about Misty!
I hope you got her comfortable this evening. Did you find her another vet?

No, I'm waiting for my vet to get back from vacation.

I missed something, what's wrong with her?

She had a crazy streak out in the pasture and the next day (and each of the 6 successive days) she couldn't get out of bed and once up couldn't put her back leg down to support weight.

How is Misty Yvonne?

Still the same - a three legged dog that has much trouble squatting or getting up or down.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Misty is a big girl and there are some areas on her body that she can't reach. So when she has a flea above her hips, or an itch in that area, she does the Timmy's-in-the-well thing. She stands there looking at me and barking. So I go get the flea comb, and sure enough, she had a flea.

I was bringing firewood up to the front porch this a.m. and while I was stacking it she kept telling me that Timmy was in the well. So we went in the house and I combed her and, what a liar! There are no fleas on that dog. But she was sort of looking at her gimpy leg when she barked, so I'm wondering if whatever she pulled the other day is starting to heal and itches or burns.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I had planned on spending the morning raking up leaves for the box turtles, but when I went into the leopard shed to feed and water, it was cold in there. So instead of raking I went around to all the sheds and checked the timers and bulbs. I spent about an hour in the leopard shed rearranging the cords and fixtures so the tortoises would get maximum benefit from the lights/heat. All the other sheds were ok, timers ok, bulbs ok. Then I brought up a couple loads of firewood, and now it's time to feed Misty. Another day shot. At this rate, I'll have to live to 100 in order to get all my work caught up.

Maggie Cummings

Dang, where are you buying your SalonPas? I buy a pack of six for about $12 or so at the grocery store.

I don't buy them. I was waiting in line at the pharmacy and saw them on the shelf. I have chronic regional pain syndrome, and it was a Workmans Comp case, so they've done everything possible to fix me. But after my accident the Dr when I complained my hand wouldn't work, I'm dizzy and a bunch of other symptoms, told me to "cowboy up". I walked around for 9 months with a undiogonosed broken neck and the same doc fixed my broken wrist wrong, so I've mostly lost the use of my right hand and arm. I take drugs to rid me of the pain. I tried the tens unit and that did nothing. So I know Salon Pas wouldn't work for me. The pain can be severe I've had the broken neck and 15 concussions. I get dizzy and nauseated, am in pain 24/7. And I don't know why I said all that except to say why I don't believe Salon Pas will work for anything but light pain. But actually, I feel pretty good.....'Nite people


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I had planned on spending the morning raking up leaves for the box turtles, but when I went into the leopard shed to feed and water, it was cold in there. So instead of raking I went around to all the sheds and checked the timers and bulbs. I spent about an hour in the leopard shed rearranging the cords and fixtures so the tortoises would get maximum benefit from the lights/heat. All the other sheds were ok, timers ok, bulbs ok. Then I brought up a couple loads of firewood, and now it's time to feed Misty. Another day shot. At this rate, I'll have to live to 100 in order to get all my work caught up.

we want you to live to atleast 100


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
Location (City and/or State)
A Land Far Away...
All of my dogs were trying to be two and three legged again this morning. Just so cold, they barely can go half a block max, before they want to not put their feet down any more.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
we want you to live to atleast 100

I'm not so sure I'm up for that. Yes. . . if I can stay mobile and able to get around and take care of the animal, but nay if I get old and infirm.

Morning all! 6 degrees in this beautiful Monday.

It's cold here too, but about 25 degrees warmer than where you're at! (O-o-o-o-o, I ended my sentence with a preposition!) Oh for the days when I could just turn up the thermostat and have heat. But I love the wood stove, and really, it warms up the house pretty quickly once I get the fire going. But I had a heck of a time getting out of bed this a.m. Thank goodness I don't have to drive to work like you do. Just be careful, Jacqui.

All of my dogs were trying to be two and three legged again this morning. Just so cold, they barely can go half a block max, before they want to not put their feet down any more.

You need to knit them all little booties!

Good Morning Chatters! Christmas is next week-end. Are you ready?

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