Pretend Chat 2.14

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I've got another project to add to my long list of to-do's. Since I had the large shrub on the front of the house removed it looks so bare and bleak. I want to remove the cement curbing delineating the front flower bed (it's only about a foot wide, too narrow for any good use), and make it wider, then put up some sort of restraining fence to keep Dudley out, and plant some nice, colorful plants in there. I thought about pounding metal pipe down into the dirt about a foot apart all along the edge of the bed, then painting the pipe black. If I have it about a foot and a half high it should still look ok and I'd be able to get in there to weed, etc. I could always build a little fence that Dudley can't see through, but I think I like the idea of the pipe.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
I just love this picture:


I don't know why I can't ever have an unusual looking cat show up on my doorstep. I only ever get the run of the mill colors.

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
Happy Tuesday, everyone. Tonight is NCIS! I've got a nice fire going in the wood stove and it's trying real hard to warm up this cold, cold house.

Misty is almost back to good. She uses her rear leg more often than not. Yesterday when I was walking my laps she tried to encourage me into playing with her, but even though it seems as though SHE didn't learn HER lesson, I certainly did. No running around like a crazy person for her, no sir.

My agenda today consists of leaves. Today I'm dedicating my morning to getting up the leaves in the leopard tortoise yard. And speaking of the leopard tortoise yard, the seeds I planted in the new yard extension are coming along great. I bought several packets of these:

and tossed them all over the new portion of the leopard yard and they're coming up nicely. I also tossed a mixture of winter forage and it's coming up too. Will is coming in January to help me build the fence and open up the old fence so the tortoises can go in the new portion, and it looks like the grass and weeds will be ready for when he gets here.

So, that's what's on my agenda for today. What do you all have planned?

Yvonne G

Old Timer
TFO Admin
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 23, 2008
Location (City and/or State)
Clovis, CA
As I said, I've got a nice fire going in the wood stove, however, there's such a cold draft coming from the window. My computer is right in front of a big bay window. I've got rigid foam covering that window (that's why I have sheets showing from the outside:

Dudley's Flowerbed a.jpg

A colorful, flowered sheet, then the rigid foam, then my nice draperies), but all that is still allowing a big cold draft to come in and lay down on my legs. I'm going to have to sit here at the computer with a shawl on my legs like gramma.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Oct 26, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Kent, South East England
Happy Tuesday, everyone. Tonight is NCIS! I've got a nice fire going in the wood stove and it's trying real hard to warm up this cold, cold house.

Misty is almost back to good. She uses her rear leg more often than not. Yesterday when I was walking my laps she tried to encourage me into playing with her, but even though it seems as though SHE didn't learn HER lesson, I certainly did. No running around like a crazy person for her, no sir.

My agenda today consists of leaves. Today I'm dedicating my morning to getting up the leaves in the leopard tortoise yard. And speaking of the leopard tortoise yard, the seeds I planted in the new yard extension are coming along great. I bought several packets of these:

and tossed them all over the new portion of the leopard yard and they're coming up nicely. I also tossed a mixture of winter forage and it's coming up too. Will is coming in January to help me build the fence and open up the old fence so the tortoises can go in the new portion, and it looks like the grass and weeds will be ready for when he gets here.

So, that's what's on my agenda for today. What do you all have planned?
My day is coming to an end... it's nearly dark (3.45pm)

My day hasn't been very exciting:
I did all the ironing and then went shopping for brussels sprouts and parsnips (traditional UK Christmas dinner accompaniments). And I still can't find that dead mouse in the garage; it still stinks out there :(

Maggie Cummings

Ew-w-w- no way, man!

See how much she loves me? She wouldn't spit on me if I was on fire........I tried to hug her when I was leaving last time, and she stiffen up so much I was afraid she was gonna break. Needless to say, we don't hug. No physical signs of affection. We learned it from our parents. I personally learned how to hug in AA. So I am not like her, I will hug.

Maggie Cummings

As I said, I've got a nice fire going in the wood stove, however, there's such a cold draft coming from the window. My computer is right in front of a big bay window. I've got rigid foam covering that window (that's why I have sheets showing from the outside:

View attachment 195201

A colorful, flowered sheet, then the rigid foam, then my nice draperies), but all that is still allowing a big cold draft to come in and lay down on my legs. I'm going to have to sit here at the computer with a shawl on my legs like gramma.

Staple some clear plastic on the outside of the window, staple it good so there's no spaces or holes. We do that at the beginning of winter up here, and I even have double paned (sp?) windows. But that should help.

Maggie Cummings

My day is coming to an end... it's nearly dark (3.45pm)

My day hasn't been very exciting:
I did all the ironing and then went shopping for brussels sprouts and parsnips (traditional UK Christmas dinner accompaniments). And I still can't find that dead mouse in the garage; it still stinks out there :(

I live right next to a grass seed farmer, and I'm more in the country then not. The cable guy hadda come fix my modem, but instead it was a line, so he went under my house. Comes out and says"hey lady, there's about 20 dead rats down there." I watch rats as big as house cats walk across the yard in the day time!. Just as sleek and clean as can be frankly I poison them daily, the smell goes away in about 5 days. You'll notice it less and less. With my big rats it's about 2 weeks. Burn some incense or scented candles in there. When the neighbors on either side are gone my friend brings a couple 22's and we have target practice on them.
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