Pretend Chat 2.14


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Jun 24, 2012
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So one more question and I'm all caught up..... there was something your ex wanted back like a year after y'all broke up. A plant?? Something like that.. we were all telling you to tell her to go pound sand, it's yours now. Still got it or did you cave and give it back?
I'm not one to back down. The aloe still happily lives with me. ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1493821044.435792.jpg


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Jun 24, 2012
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You look really happy!
That was the first picture my mum saw of him, and she already had known he was a good number of years older than me, and has 2 kids, which made her nervous, but she saw the picture, saw how happy I look, how happy I've been, and she so far approves. (I'm also happy because we'd just had sushi before taking that hahah)
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Nov 18, 2011
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You all better after your wreck?
I guess, as with life, overall, I'm better. Truth tell though, I was much better before the wreck. My favorite part is the way my brain has placed many of my memories in a sort of "reorganization" state. I'm talking way old memories as well as recent ones. This is where trusted family helps out with the way things, "really were".
And thank you, your concern.


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Aug 3, 2011
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Happy hump day!!

My son saved his money and bought a Betta. Who knew it would be $150 out the door.

I think we got pretty good advice from the Petco employee. He really seemed knowledgeable and I did a bit of research before and after.
We put in a snail and some tiny shrimp.
Here's Gerald in his 5 gallon tank.
ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1493823396.380687.jpg

Yvonne G

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Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Happy hump day!!

My son saved his money and bought a Betta. Who knew it would be $150 out the door.

I think we got pretty good advice from the Petco employee. He really seemed knowledgeable and I did a bit of research before and after.
We put in a snail and some tiny shrimp.
Here's Gerald in his 5 gallon tank.
View attachment 206451

Gerald is very pretty!


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I guess, as with life, overall, I'm better. Truth tell though, I was much better before the wreck. My favorite part is the way my brain has placed many of my memories in a sort of "reorganization" state. I'm talking way old memories as well as recent ones. This is where trusted family helps out with the way things, "really were".
And thank you, your concern.
I completely Understand that man. This summer marks 10 years from my major wreck and I still have memories that are completely wonky and many old ones from before my wreck that are just completely gone. I'll see pictures or have my buddy tell stories and it's like I'm hearing it for them1st time.

My old memories never came back and the ones from around my accident are still very much out of order and hazy but my new memories are now all 100% in the correct order and accurate. It gets better buddy, just takes time. I bet it was 4 or 5 years before I felt my memory and thinking patterns were back to normal. Well I say normal but what I really mean is my new normal. I have trouble recalling nouns like people's names or the name of a simple object like a hammer. It's kind of weird, like I know people's names but when I start a conversion and need to bring them up sometimes it takes me a good min or two to remember there name. I know it, but it takes my brain time to find it. My neurosurgeon told be the way our brain works is like having a warehouse full of filing cabinets full of files of all our memories. When we remember something we have to access that specific file and that's where I have a break... recalling that info takes me longer
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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Well, we've had a pretty nice "Spring" and now it's on to summer. Supposed to be in the 90s for the next few days. I still don't have much energy. I've been hacking away at the immediate chores bit by bit, but I wish I could just get down to it and get it all done! I have a bit more spraying (Round-up) to do, but after about 9a the wind comes up so it's no longer safe to spray.

I'm lovin' my new Black and Decker cordless line trimmer. The battery lasts longer than my arms and back, so it works out great.

I found homes for two more desert tortoises. I still have three RES, two Russians and one CDT. Yard inspections are a bane of my existence. I really must get me a cell phone so when I'm lost or can't find the address of my inspection I can make a phone call. I've been seeing the commercial for Great Call that sounds like it might do for me. I just want a phone. I don't need anything fancy - no texting, or internet, etc. Great Call also has a button you push if you get into trouble (like if I trip while climbing a tortoise fence and. . . , "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"). I had a Jitterbug a couple years ago. It was $10 a month for the privilege of owning the phone and having the service. If I wanted to make any calls it was 10 cents each call (or minute, I can't remember). So I was paying $10 a month for being able to have a cell phone sitting in my bedroom on the dresser. I figured it was a total waste of money, so cancelled it. I haven't looked into the Great Call one yet, so don't know how much it costs, but it serves a dual purpose (if I can remember to carry it).

I love reading about what's going on in all your lives. Keep it coming!!!


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Mar 17, 2017
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Happy hump day!!

My son saved his money and bought a Betta. Who knew it would be $150 out the door.

I think we got pretty good advice from the Petco employee. He really seemed knowledgeable and I did a bit of research before and after.
We put in a snail and some tiny shrimp.
Here's Gerald in his 5 gallon tank.
View attachment 206451
He's a pretty betta. Mine died just a little while ago. He was 2 years old. You may have inspired me to get another...


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
He's a pretty betta. Mine died just a little while ago. He was 2 years old. You may have inspired me to get another...

I have never seen them swim! Who knew! I alway felt bad for the ones living in a cup! I sure wouldn't want to live in my bathroom. He is so cute! Did you use spring water or tap with conditioner? I'm still trying to figure that out. The pet store said to use glacier water from the machines out in front of grocery stores.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Well, we've had a pretty nice "Spring" and now it's on to summer. Supposed to be in the 90s for the next few days. I still don't have much energy. I've been hacking away at the immediate chores bit by bit, but I wish I could just get down to it and get it all done! I have a bit more spraying (Round-up) to do, but after about 9a the wind comes up so it's no longer safe to spray.

I'm lovin' my new Black and Decker cordless line trimmer. The battery lasts longer than my arms and back, so it works out great.

I found homes for two more desert tortoises. I still have three RES, two Russians and one CDT. Yard inspections are a bane of my existence. I really must get me a cell phone so when I'm lost or can't find the address of my inspection I can make a phone call. I've been seeing the commercial for Great Call that sounds like it might do for me. I just want a phone. I don't need anything fancy - no texting, or internet, etc. Great Call also has a button you push if you get into trouble (like if I trip while climbing a tortoise fence and. . . , "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!"). I had a Jitterbug a couple years ago. It was $10 a month for the privilege of owning the phone and having the service. If I wanted to make any calls it was 10 cents each call (or minute, I can't remember). So I was paying $10 a month for being able to have a cell phone sitting in my bedroom on the dresser. I figured it was a total waste of money, so cancelled it. I haven't looked into the Great Call one yet, so don't know how much it costs, but it serves a dual purpose (if I can remember to carry it).

I love reading about what's going on in all your lives. Keep it coming!!!

I think that's a great idea Yvonne. I think about you being alone and working in the yard. Misty can't dial 911 for you.


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Aug 3, 2011
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Newt knows the score…pictures or it didn't happen. Today I recieved, via FedEx, my new baby leopard tortoise and I'm so excited, my earlobes sting! Here Newt, this is for you as an example as well as for me getting the opportunity to brag/showoff a little…View attachment 206408 fresh out of the box at his new home View attachment 206409 some time ago. Look at the zipper like split scutes down the center of his back. Come sunup, I'll get some other, " purtyier" pictures done up real nice like. This little guy is from one of Jodie's yunguns and I'd have to say they all is looking good to this here old Cowboy.

How exciting!! What a cutie!

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