Pretend Chat 2.14


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Jun 24, 2015
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I have the worse sore throat tonight, that I can ever remember. :(

I think the only thing worse is a tooth ache. Oh or maybe an ear infection, bit sore throats are up there.


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Jun 24, 2015
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Also thanks guys, papers are signed, but it is bittersweet. Having it be public record opens me up to further harassment from my stalker so we are trying again tomorrow to get a fancy piece of paper that says "leave me alone!" - wish me luck.

Big Charlie

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Jul 28, 2015
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I have the worse sore throat tonight, that I can ever remember. :(
The worst sore throat I ever had was from mononucleosis, worse than from strep throat. You should get tested if it doesn't get better soon.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I have the worse sore throat tonight, that I can ever remember. :(

Working with the public is the worst! You just get exposed to all kinds of germs. Hopefully this won't be a bad one and you feel better soon!

Yvonne G

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Clovis, CA
Well, we had a sunrise! It was very pleasant out this a.m. I got a lot of clean up done, picking up twigs and small branches, watering plants and made a new quarantine yard for a young sulcata that's looking for a new home. Now it's Misty's lunch time. I'm craving red meat, so I'll take a look in the freezer to see what I feel like cooking.


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Also thanks guys, papers are signed, but it is bittersweet. Having it be public record opens me up to further harassment from my stalker so we are trying again tomorrow to get a fancy piece of paper that says "leave me alone!" - wish me luck.

Congratulations!!! See, things are looking up!!
Will the stalker know you bought?


Well-Known Member
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Jun 24, 2015
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Congratulations!!! See, things are looking up!!
Will the stalker know you bought?

Yes, it will be public record and unfortunately despite having over a year of evidence of harassment and threats I'm being told I need proof of a physical confrontation and threats of immediate bodily harm between me and a 6'2" muscular military veteran who is completely unhinged and armed. Things aren't going my way. The courts sent us to the sheriff, the sheriff tried to send us back to the courthouse, then the next officer told us we need to try for an order in a different county and that county told us it's not their jurisdiction. I realize the legal system has restrictions to protect all parties, but the run around is exhausting and frustrating. I just want to be left alone to try to repair the damage that has been done to my formerly glowing business reputation.

I also managed to fall down a marble staircase at the court house and now my knee is making a strange clicking sound. Icing on the cake.

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Home at last good god o mighty home at last . Next week we will be in South Padre and hanging out with Kelly . Can't wait to be away from work !


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Yes, it will be public record and unfortunately despite having over a year of evidence of harassment and threats I'm being told I need proof of a physical confrontation and threats of immediate bodily harm between me and a 6'2" muscular military veteran who is completely unhinged and armed. Things aren't going my way. The courts sent us to the sheriff, the sheriff tried to send us back to the courthouse, then the next officer told us we need to try for an order in a different county and that county told us it's not their jurisdiction. I realize the legal system has restrictions to protect all parties, but the run around is exhausting and frustrating. I just want to be left alone to try to repair the damage that has been done to my formerly glowing business reputation.

I also managed to fall down a marble staircase at the court house and now my knee is making a strange clicking sound. Icing on the cake.

:( So sorry. I'm glad you at least have a roof over your head.


Well-Known Member
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Jun 24, 2015
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Good thing I like lemonade, life has been handing me lots of lemons.

Grandpa Turtle 144

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5 Year Member
Apr 3, 2013
Good thing I like lemonade, life has been handing me lots of lemons.
How is life giving you lemons ? Wait till your 60 plus , been married 4 times , been 1/2 way around the world and moved across the USA ! Now you have lemons ! Count the blessings you have . And never forget there are others that have it worst . But hope your luck gets better !

Maggie Cummings

Yes, it will be public record and unfortunately despite having over a year of evidence of harassment and threats I'm being told I need proof of a physical confrontation and threats of immediate bodily harm between me and a 6'2" muscular military veteran who is completely unhinged and armed. Things aren't going my way. The courts sent us to the sheriff, the sheriff tried to send us back to the courthouse, then the next officer told us we need to try for an order in a different county and that county told us it's not their jurisdiction. I realize the legal system has restrictions to protect all parties, but the run around is exhausting and frustrating. I just want to be left alone to try to repair the damage that has been done to my formerly glowing business reputation.

I also managed to fall down a marble staircase at the court house and now my knee is making a strange clicking sound. Icing on the cake.

Can't you get a restraining order against him? (free) You have to show them how afraid of him you are. I've had several against my stalker and a harassment order. He called the cops on me 25 times between may '15 and May '16. I've paid over $600 in fines for things I didn't do, he called the cops on me 3 times when I was at Kelly's in Texas. Said I was staring at his house and "rumbling" my car. He's a creep, rather than 'stalking' him, I try to not see him at all. I always carry my camera with me because at times he chases my car (10mph), jumps out from behind anything and tries to get me doing something wrong. I predict that bad things will happen. But otherwise I'm good. I feel better than I have in a long time...

Maggie Cummings

I was just gonna call Y about this but she hates to listen on the fone, so here's my morning......There's no traffic on my 2 lane hiway so I was going pretty good listening to Leon Russell,when I saw movement in my peripheral was a baby mouse climbing up my seat to get me. SCREAMMMMMM...Young enuf his eyes were still closed, but it surprised me no end! So I grab it and put it on the floor and headed for home.
I went and got my partner in crime and we started to take inside parts out, finally got the rear seat out,(remember there is virtually NO room in a Camaro) and found the nest with more babies. No mother, I'd like to put poison under there, but dead smells really bad (as evidenced by the dead stinker in my kitchen.) Big nest made from IROC threads. And the foam out of one seat. So my friend took the babies, cuz I can't kill babies even rodents. Any body else have mice in their car AND kitchen????? Whole thing took about 3 hours. Now my helper is gone, says I can put the seats back myself. My life is never boring, and it's always something weird.....I'm proud to be strange....I got a genuine diagnosis from my shrink. So......he says "You are just a little to the left of crazy."
But it's fun!!!


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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How is life giving you lemons ? Wait till your 60 plus , been married 4 times , been 1/2 way around the world and moved across the USA ! Now you have lemons ! Count the blessings you have . And never forget there are others that have it worst . But hope your luck gets better !

I do not believe that a persons age is an accurate indicator of the challenges that they are facing or have faced in their lifetime.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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Can't you get a restraining order against him? (free) You have to show them how afraid of him you are. I've had several against my stalker and a harassment order. He called the cops on me 25 times between may '15 and May '16. I've paid over $600 in fines for things I didn't do, he called the cops on me 3 times when I was at Kelly's in Texas. Said I was staring at his house and "rumbling" my car. He's a creep, rather than 'stalking' him, I try to not see him at all. I always carry my camera with me because at times he chases my car (10mph), jumps out from behind anything and tries to get me doing something wrong. I predict that bad things will happen. But otherwise I'm good. I feel better than I have in a long time...

I'm not comfortable outlining the details on a public forum as his threats and harassment are ongoing and I have no legal protection, only the personal protection that does not leave my side. I'm going to leave it at what I said above.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
My new family member:

Sterling 6-2-17 a.jpg Sterling 6-2-17 b.jpg

This is Sterling. I think she's female, and she's very young, probably under a year. She's light, but not bony, and very friendly. Not feral or scared at all, just a little leery (sp?) of Misty. (Sterling because my friend Carol had a gray tuxedo like this whose name was Sterling.)

I thought my days of finding strays on the property were gone after we told the custodian at the school down the street to stop trapping them at the school and releasing them "out in the country" (which happened to be on my street, in front of my house!).

I have a yard inspection tomorrow, This guy wants a Russian tortoise and I just happen to have two looking for homes. Fingers crossed!

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