Tom's response to "Garden State Tortoise" Video


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2023
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This is probably the last time I will post here, I feel like this conversation is just going in circles and I probably don't have anything to add anymore after this. I have formed my own opinion and that is enough for me.

Here are some examples of sand impaction cases posted on the forum

Also, here is a thread similar to this one. I stumbled upon it while looking at the subject her on the forum:
Your efforts are appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 4, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Canebrake Ca
if SOIL(40-50%sand) is an eye problem, there should be a lot of blind tortoises out there

tortoise skin is made for it........
I just can't respond to this .... This statement is Ludicrous!
I tried and tried to explain that Sand has 2 forms and 1000's of "Types"
Sand in it's Hydrophobic form sticks with very little actual "grab" to the surface, this is why you are able to wipe it off at the car so easily. It wants to repel any moisture and DOES NOT want to adhere to anything moist (your skin), so it's irritating "Power" is usually minimal.
Sand in it's Hydrophilic form (water loving) is exactly the opposite, it WANTS to adhere to moisture and is VERY hard to remove. This is when you are holding your feet up in the air (while sitting in your car) and use water to rinse it off.
1st Hydrophilic: This form will stick to eyes and be very irritating, this is when and how torts suffer eye scratches. You most likely would not even notice the torts eye has a scratch, or even take it to a vet (where most likely you would be told it has to heal on it's own) It in almost all cases would not cause blindness, so to say "There should be a lot of blind tortoises" is just wrong!
2nd Hydrophobic: This form is very easy for the tort to get off by simply rubbing it with their legs, remember it HATES moisture and DOES not adhere very well. Because of the way this forms behaves it really "Floats" (for lack of a better word) on the surface of whatever it is on. So to expect "a lot of blind tortoises" from this form is just wrong as well. Physics is Physics and you have to involve that in any equation where you are trying to prove something. Example: A shed is painted with Brand A paint, within a month the paint starts to peel. The shed owner then starts to bad mouth Brand A paint as terrible because it's falling off the shed. Completely ignoring the shed surface and how well it would allow ANY paint to adhere. There are all kinds of things that would make it almost impossible for the paint - any paint - to adhere; primer type and condition, cleanliness of said surface prior to paint, water or oil based primers or paint itself, etc., etc.
Sand IS a terrible irritant and if you do not think so you are simply denying physics.

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