
Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2015
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Central Texas, Austin area
Good morning. Any news from Ed? Hope he is now better.
Appreciate an answer. Thank you.
I haven't heard from him since that last text. He said he was very sleepy. They probably loaded him up with all kinds of cardiac drips some of which can be very sedating. I told him not to fight it and just try to go with it. His body will heal faster if he sleeps more. Sleep has some magic powers when it comes to healing. I'll text him in couple of hrs around the time he maybe awake for LAB works. If any of you guys, Ed's friends wish to contact him directly via text message, pls pm me if you need his personal cell ph#. I don't have it handy now but I will in the morning. Man, I'm getting really tired! It's 02:40 over here! I need to get at least little nap before the morning routine with kids starts. Nite-nite

Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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I haven't heard from him since that last text. He said he was very sleepy. They probably loaded him up with all kinds of cardiac drips some of which can be very sedating. I told him not to fight it and just try to go with it. His body will heal faster if he sleeps more. Sleep has some magic powers when it comes to healing. I'll text him in couple of hrs around the time he maybe awake for LAB works. If any of you guys, Ed's friends wish to contact him directly via text message, pls pm me if you need his personal cell ph#. I don't have it handy now but I will in the morning. Man, I'm getting really tired! It's 02:40 over here! I need to get at least little nap before the morning routine with kids starts. Nite-nite
Thanks v much your answer. By the way, I did send you a PM, but got no answer.

Good night and sweet dreams.


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Oct 26, 2014
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no work till Monday :). had to put off a job until next weekend due to weather :( , the woman was ok with it so i'll do a bit more for her as a good will jester.

it's going to be a weekend on the armadillo i think


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Oct 26, 2014
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the cage I'm going to try get for free is selling at £270, fingers crossed! if they won't then i'll go for store credit. oh, and then there's going to be vet bills!

we wanted a baby degu and would be 'getting one fixed' anyway so anything is a bonus:)

Lyn W

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Jul 22, 2014
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Thanks for letting us know Pearly.

So pleased to hear that Ed is feeling better thanks to the meds.
He has had a lot on his plate recently and needs to start putting himself first for a while, although I know he will be worried about his Mum and getting her back into her home. But if he doesn't look after himself he won't be able to take care if her.

I'll wait until he's home before contacting him again but give him my best wishes for a very speedy recovery.
and tell him to take it easy and not chase the nurses!


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Oct 26, 2014
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Thanks for letting us know Pearly.

So pleased to hear that Ed is feeling better thanks to the meds.
He has had a lot on his plate recently and needs to start putting himself first for a while, although I know he will be worried about his Mum and getting her back into her home. But if he doesn't look after himself he won't be able to take care if her.

I'll wait until he's home before contacting him again but give him my best wishes for a very speedy recovery.
and tell him to take it easy and not chase the nurses!

to true miss womblyn


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Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I'm home and on meds.
Apparently stress from my mother's situation was to blame.
It was not a heart attack. The admitting doctor claimed that it was.
Luckily, three days of a pulse of 178 to 194 did no permanent damage, but I still feel like I just ran a few marathons back to back. Very tired and sore in general, yet there never was any real pain.
Hopefully the new meds will keep this in check, because there is still a mountain of crap to overcome with my mother's home,
health and insurance, finances.
I've got untill Wednesday to rest and I head back up to Georgia on Thursday morning.
I honestly thought I was stronger than this.
It's humbling.
So, in short, I'm o.k.
Thanks so much for the concern.

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