Jacky And Daisy


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Mar 1, 2023
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Dear Dickie,

I remember that weekend well and it began with catching her wrist on heat lamp, later she picked up a leaking tortoise and after that I nibbled her hand!

Oh Jacky I hope you kissed her hand & wrist better after that!
I‘ve had a bit of an accident & my dad found me on my back near the fence. I was well hidden so couldnt be seen. I don’t know how long I was laying there but was glad when the world turned the right way up again. I was a bit slow when I tried to walk back to my kennel so Pete put me in my bed.
Sue wants to know if anyone has any tips on keeping me upright?
Goodnight everyone


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Apr 6, 2024
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Dear Zola,

My servant is younger than you, only turning 19 this year. She has wanted a tortoise since she was seven, but her parents wanted to wait for her to turn 18. In the fall I will be moving for university with her! The apartment was picked with me in mind and next summer my servant is planning to build an outdoor enclosure to me in her grandparents yard, who live in the same city as the university.

My servant is probably willing to share her birthday with me, after all I was the star of her high school graduation party! We had a nice party in the backyard and her relatives came to look at me in my outdoor enclosure.

Edward :tort:


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Zola,

My servant is younger than you, only turning 19 this year. She has wanted a tortoise since she was seven, but her parents wanted to wait for her to turn 18. In the fall I will be moving for university with her! The apartment was picked with me in mind and next summer my servant is planning to build an outdoor enclosure to me in her grandparents yard, who live in the same city as the university.

My servant is probably willing to share her birthday with me, after all I was the star of her high school graduation party! We had a nice party in the backyard and her relatives came to look at me in my outdoor enclosure.

Edward :tort:
Dear Edward- I think you are going to have a very interesting and happy life with your servant. I'm so glad she included you in her graduation party - I always enjoy special celebrations too - I was Best Tortoise (instead of Best Man) when my parents got married 20 years ago (they had already been together for many years before that) There were no guests, only them and me and the registrar, so we didn't have a party, but it was fun, anyway. I impressed everyone with my dignity and good behaviour, of course.


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
The swallows are able to stand up in their nest now, and look bigger every day - they are louder too !
Richard has been trying to feed a baby robin who comes to stand by him when he opens the back door, but an adult robin keeps chasing the little chap away.
Angie xxxxxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - I always look for your emails and photos, and I don't think I ever miss them, so don't worry about that. I did something wrong when trying to send the swallows photo earlier, but you should see it if you click on the previous message. Here, anyway, is another similar photo, taken a couple of minutes later, but with different expressions on their faces. Neither they nor their parents seem at all afraid of us.y4.jpgGoodnight and lots of love from Zola and Angie xxxxxx


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Dear Natrah - I hope you've had a good day. Zola went out for his walk on the breakwater this afternoon, and met a South African lady, who asked if she could hold him. Zola enjoyed it so much he gave her a little present !!! She was very nice about it, and said she had a little baby, and was quite used to such things.!!!
This morning, we were very happy that the young robin who Richard was trying to feed yesterday, came back, and so he knelt down on the ground and put his hand flat there, with 5 mealworms on it - the robin came to stand on his hand and ate all the worms, and a little bit of cheese for afters ! We know it is one of the young robins, because he only has a few reddish feathers so far. The swallows are still in their nest, but no photos today.
I have had a bad day because I have to stop the headache injections, ready to start on the new pills, but there is a bit of a gap in between, so my head is worse at the moment. I hope I shall get the pills soon.
Love to you, Jacky, and Angel Daisy, and all our tortoise friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Dear Natrah - I hope you've had a good day. Zola went out for his walk on the breakwater this afternoon, and met a South African lady, who asked if she could hold him. Zola enjoyed it so much he gave her a little present !!! She was very nice about it, and said she had a little baby, and was quite used to such things.!!!
This morning, we were very happy that the young robin who Richard was trying to feed yesterday, came back, and so he knelt down on the ground and put his hand flat there, with 5 mealworms on it - the robin came to stand on his hand and ate all the worms, and a little bit of cheese for afters ! We know it is one of the young robins, because he only has a few reddish feathers so far. The swallows are still in their nest, but no photos today.
I have had a bad day because I have to stop the headache injections, ready to start on the new pills, but there is a bit of a gap in between, so my head is worse at the moment. I hope I shall get the pills soon.
Love to you, Jacky, and Angel Daisy, and all our tortoise friends from Angie and Zola xxxxxx
Good evening everyone!

Oh Zola 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣. That lady's not going to forget you in a hurry. I can imagine what she told her family when she got home. I hope you feel better soon Angie and I hope you get those pills soon. I got a lift back from orchestra last and as I walked down the road our young fox🦊 was staring and I have to say that he had a beautiful coat.

I've been enjoying looking at the photos of the swallows and they are obviously growing up very fast now but I made a mistake some time ago because I sent a photo of Jacky eating dandelions, greens, strawberries and tomatoes in a thread to a new Facebook tortoise group which my friend had introduced and it was taken down. A few people said that I shouldn't give tomatoes or strawberries to Jacky and I don't know how Jacky and Daisy reached their eighties with their diet. Jacky gets strawberries and tomatoes as treats. Both of them only like the tops of the tomatoes and I only give a bit of ripe tomato to them (I still write about Daisy as if she was still here). Anyway I need to watch what I post and I really appreciate my wonderful friends here. By the way I tried other plants that they suggested and Jacky wouldn't touch them. Some of the people that replied haven't grown up with tortoises and Daisy could be very set in her ways with her diet although she wasn't as strict as Jacky. Also the vets never picked up any serious issues with their diet. Does Dickie still have her cherries Sue?

Also Edward how old are you? Daisy was 80 when she was put to sleep but Jacky will be 89 in October. She is getting used to spending more time outside and it is affecting her appetite so I gave her a bit of tomato today although she didn't eat it. She spent most of the time basking and exploring and then when I brought her in I noticed that there were a few holes in her greens!

Goodnight everyone (get better soon Angie)

Natrah, Jacky and Angel Daisy

PS: I am mindful that trying new things could do Jacky some harm.


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Apr 6, 2024
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I don't remember how old I am, and since I am a rescue from a shelter my servant unfortunately doesn't know either. I would say that I am a man in his best age! My servant always says that I am over 15, but she can't say more specific. Maybe I am the same age as her?

Unfortunately my old lifestyle seems to be catching up with me. My servant found a bladder stone today while cleaning my enclosure. I have also lost some weight. She says I now have to have a drowning session every day!

As far as your experience on Facebook, I think a tortoise in Jacky's age should be able to eat whatever he wants. As far as anything unhealthy that I do, my servant simply doesn't recommend or promote to anyone. I think that is the best course of action.

Good night, Edward :tort:


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015

I don't remember how old I am, and since I am a rescue from a shelter my servant unfortunately doesn't know either. I would say that I am a man in his best age! My servant always says that I am over 15, but she can't say more specific. Maybe I am the same age as her?

Unfortunately my old lifestyle seems to be catching up with me. My servant found a bladder stone today while cleaning my enclosure. I have also lost some weight. She says I now have to have a drowning session every day!

As far as your experience on Facebook, I think a tortoise in Jacky's age should be able to eat whatever he wants. As far as anything unhealthy that I do, my servant simply doesn't recommend or promote to anyone. I think that is the best course of action.

Good night, Edward :tort:
Hello Natrah - I agree entirely with Edward that Jacky should eat whatever she likes - you are the person who knows her best, and it is for you to judge. You are obviously not going to give her anything silly, like pickled onions or chocolate icecream, after all ! I am not on facebook at all, and I think you just shouldn't
give people there any opportunity to upset you - I have read a lot of posts on this forum since I joined nine years ago about ignorant comments on facebook upsetting people here who are doing their very best for their tortoise.
Love from Angie xxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Hello Natrah - I agree entirely with Edward that Jacky should eat whatever she likes - you are the person who knows her best, and it is for you to judge. You are obviously not going to give her anything silly, like pickled onions or chocolate icecream, after all ! I am not on facebook at all, and I think you just shouldn't
give people there any opportunity to upset you - I have read a lot of posts on this forum since I joined nine years ago about ignorant comments on facebook upsetting people here who are doing their very best for their tortoise.
Love from Angie xxxxx
Thankyou Angie.

You're all so lovely. Jacky and Daisy used to love banana as well and also mushrooms which I have limited due to protein. I am also lucky to have excellent vets that just love Jacky and Daisy. I shall never forget how tearful the vet looked when he gave me Daisy's diagnosis. Also when Jacky and Daisy were staying at the vets they wouldn't accept food given by the vet and they ended up being fed by tube/syringe but when they got back here they soon started eating again!

I forgot to ask Dickie (@MoggyMad) are you okay? Were you climbing? I can't remember Daisy being on her back but Jacky has done it a few times due to her constant climbing. Also Edward I hope you're okay but I expect your servant is looking out for you Incase you need to see the vet because of that stone.

I hope Sally, Squirt, PeeWee, GGGGGAAAARRRYYYY and Seymour are okay and also Sapphire as they are sweltering in the states.




Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good morning Zola, Edward, Dickie, Seymour, PeeWee, Sally, Squirt, Sherman and GGGGGAAAARRRYYYY,

Jacky here. I just want to say that I agree with you all and I shall eat what I like at my age and I shall those people on Facebook. Also if you all look on Cold Dark Room you will know that Sapphire had a sex change🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and that he used to be a she!

Jacky (Jacqueline)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good morning Zola, Edward, Dickie, Seymour, PeeWee, Sally, Squirt, Sherman and GGGGGAAAARRRYYYY,

Jacky here. I just want to say that I agree with you all and I shall eat what I like at my age and I shall those people on Facebook. Also if you all look on Cold Dark Room you will know that Sapphire had a sex change🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 and that he used to be a she!

Jacky (Jacqueline)
Good morning my dear tortoise friends!

I thought I ought to get on with cleaning the bathroom 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Jacky IMG20240621115122.jpg


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Mar 1, 2023
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MaNaAk said

“By the way I tried other plants that they suggested and Jacky wouldn't touch them. Some of the people that replied haven't grown up with tortoises and Daisy could be very set in her ways…..”

Absolutely agree! Dickie at around 58 is very set in her ways with what she will & wont eat, even the ‘good‘ food. I still give her a variety but she sticks to what she’s been used to with perhaps a nibble of the other stuff. She likes cherries which I only give a little bit of as a way to encourage her to eat the other food. If she doesn’t eat the cherry fairly quickly then it soon disappears as the birds like it too!
Dickie is keeping stum about her “accident”. She must have been attempting to climb where we put some extra board propped against the fence by a brick. She seems to think she can fit into smaller gaps than herself 😄 She is fine eating well & very active today, exploring. We have removed the brick & nailed the extra board onto the fence. Being checked on regularily if we can’t easily see her!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
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Good evening everyone,

As per wellingtons suggestion, my servant will give me daily drowning sessions and feed some lettuce to get me to possibly pass all the stone myself. Hopefully I will stop losing weight, but if not my servant will come back to this forum for advice next week!

Edward :tort:


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good evening everyone,

As per wellingtons suggestion, my servant will give me daily drowning sessions and feed some lettuce to get me to possibly pass all the stone myself. Hopefully I will stop losing weight, but if not my servant will come back to this forum for advice next week!

Edward :tort:
Good evening everyone!

Below is a picture of me going to see my friend the bathroom scales! Edward don't forget that the best lettuce for us tortoises is Romaine Lettuce. Have you had any advice from @Tom or @Yvonne?

Anyway I have been very busy strolling around the garden, foraging and basking. Natrah had to go out twice and I was able to get on with some cleaning. Zola, Dickie and Sherman know how important this is to me. By the way Sherman is a Sulcata and some time ago he walked over the maintenance man's foot🤣. Dickie's dad is the maintenance man at his sanctuary. Sherman how are the home improvements coming along?

Zola how is your mum? I hope she's feeling a bit better today. Please could you tell her that we have wrens in the trees here

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah

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