Jacky And Daisy


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Good morning everyone!

We have no cold water so I'm hoping to avoid the 'drowning sessions '. Zola is worth your mum considering altering the dosage of her pills?

Dear Jacky - I wonder if your cold water is back yet - that must be a nuisance for Natrah. My mum wants to explain that she has to take one headache pill every day or they won't work - and even if they do eventually, it will still probably be several weeks yet. She has to fill in a special diary about any symptoms.
Also, she has had to stop the headache injections while she is on this pill, so the effects of them are wearing off before the new stuff starts working. If the new stuff doesn't work, she will be able to go back on the injections again - the skin on her head is permanently sore, and she would be very pleased if she didn't have to do so.
I had a very pleasant walk this afternoon on the breakwater - there were a few people around, who were all interested to see me - especially one little boy who said how much he loved me.
Then I had a rest and stroke from my mum when I got home.
I hope you are eating properly again, Jacky.
Love to you, dear Jacky, and to Natrah and Angel Daisy, and to all our forum friends from Zolaxxxxxx and Angie xxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

We've had a busy weekend and now that term has ended Natrah is looking forward to more free time. It was a bit unfortunate that the water disappeared on the hottest day of the year but we are managing. Unfortunately I still had my drowning session albeit with Natrah continually testing the water temperature afterwards I was put outside and I didn't feel like breakfast because I wanted to relax. However after I walked away from my food bowl Natrah put it back in front of me and then she said "maybe the water was too cold so I'll just run you another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anyway she started to run another bath and then came outside and found me nibbling so she decided to leave it. Thank goodness for that!!!! Edward how are you now? Do you still need your drowning sessions? How has your mum been been today Zola? Will she see the doctor again?

I'm still going to be poked tomorrow and Natrah needs to collect a blood test form for her underactive thyroid. She is not very pleased with having to chase the surgery up about this. Also I had a good dandelion lunch.

Goodnight everyone

Jacky, Angel Daisy and Natrah

PS: Natrah enjoyed a good yesterday. It was a birthday concert given by a friend whose birthday was earlier in the week. This friend is a month older than Natrah.

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