Pretend Chat 2.14


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10 Year Member!
Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I did the same when mine were young Mike. We would stay up late watching scary movies and laugh about them, then I'd scare em. Man that was fun!


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
Are outside my house?
Vladie-baby is here watching it with me while we drain a nice bottle of cognac! He suggested my Coors was uncivilized, and figured if he's buying…


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I saw on the news this week that in the UK the most popular song at funerals is Monty Pythons “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" from one of my all time favorite movies. Karen now has her instructions.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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The only thing that is surprising to me about yvonne, is that her last name is gomez ( I think I am gonnna faint)


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Nov 18, 2011
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Kingman, Arizona
I'm surprised I'm still awake! I had a most very strong cup of coffee/food this afternoon, and I'm just not ready. I use five scoops for a pot of coffee in the mornings. Late this afternoon, the CUP I made I used 2 of thos scoops. It was devine.
I Love Strong Coffee


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I think it is kind of funny to watch the birds on T-day. seems kind of appropriate.


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Jun 23, 2014
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A highly admired Arab singer died yesterday, her name is Sabah (morning in Arabic). May God rest her soul in peace. She was an icon, she was our Marilyn Monroe. ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1417090809.955512.jpg
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Here's one of her songs:
Hours and Hours
Hours, Hours...Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours, Hours...Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours, Hours...Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours, Hours...Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passion for life.
I love all people, and I complete the feelings.
I love all people, and I complete the feelings.
And I feel [that the] inside of me has a hundred tunes
A hundred tunes... That fill the silence.
Hours, Hours...Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours...Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passionate for life.
Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passion for life.
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours and hours...
I feel that I am lonely and every word on my tongue is not new.
I feel that I am lonely and every word on my tongue is not new.
And how much I am not happy... not happy.
And the stars... And the stars are far away.
And it is heavy... The footsteps of time.
Heavy, the ticking of the hours.
And it is heavy... The footsteps of time.
Heavy, the ticking of the hours.
Hours... Hours... Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passionate for life.
Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passionate for life.
I love myself and feel passionate for life.
And hours and hours... I laugh and play like the bird of spring. Like the pleasant breeze.
Like a pleasant breeze. Like how it passes by and in an instant flies high.
I laugh and play like the bird of spring. Like the pleasant breeze.
Like a pleasant breeze. Like how it passes by and in an instant flies high.
I feel extraordinaryly happy. I laugh extraordinaryly.
I feel extraordinarily happy. I laugh extraordinarily, extraordinarily.
And I love my self and feel passion for the day that passed.
Hours, Hours...Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours, Hours...
Hours, Hours... I love myself and feel passion for life.
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours and Hours...
Strange...... And Strange......
Myself, it makes happy and it doesn't make me happy.
And Strange...... Myself, it comforts me and it doesn't comfort me.
Strange... And Strange...
Myself, it makes happy and it doesn't make me happy.
And strange... Myself, it comforts me and it doesn't comfort me.
And I feel like my life has passed... Without loving myself and feeling passion for life.
And I feel like my life has passed... Without loving myself and feeling passion for life.
These hours... These hours...
These hours... These hours...
Strange, strange, the beat of life is.
Strange, strange, the beat of life is.
Strange, strange, the beat of life is.
Strange, strange, the game of time is......
Strange, strange, the game of time is.
Hours... Hours...
Hours and Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours... Hours...Hours... Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours... Hours...Hours... Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours... Hours...Hours... Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
I love all people, and I complete the feelings.
I love all people, and I complete the feelings.
And I feel [that the] inside of me has a hundred tunes
A hundred tunes... That fill the silence.
Hours... Hours...Hours... Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours... Hours...Hours... Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours... Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Hours... Hours...Hours... Hours...
I love myself and feel passion for life.
Sorry for the really long post. I just wanted to share this with you guys...
I thought I'd tag @PrairieMom, since I thought she'd be intrested in this...
For more information about Sabah: