Pretend Chat 2.14


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5 Year Member
Jun 24, 2015
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I need to figure out which GPS Bluetooth tracker thing to attach to Vern. In our exhaustion last night we left a gate open. He stayed in the yard but I panicked 100%

Today he's covered in pink neon duct tape with my address, phone number and "I don't bite" written on him since that's the first thing the neighbors asked.

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
so whatcha doin' this weekend?
Not working that's for sure ! Probably watch some hot rod TV . Drink a few beers . Drive the wife nuts . Pick on the grandkids until they cry . O take my bike to get new white wall tires put on . That one is important. The bike has to always be ready to ride .


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10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Seems like all I do lately is complain. So here goes again.

There's this retired lady I know. She's a vet tech, but doesn't work for anyone right now. She's also into dog rescue. She has all her marbles and is very intelligent. She has adopted tortoises from me in the past. She called me this afternoon to see if I'd take a look at a RES's shell.

I'll call her Marie. Marie doesn't drive very well. She had an old Toyota clunker that was full of dings and dents, and sounded pretty bad. She drove up tonight in a brand new Dodge minivan. I had the thought, "I wonder how long this car will last."

After she left, I walked down the driveway to see if there was any mail in my box. This is what I saw when I was walking back up the driveway:

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Note the mis-aligned landscape timber on the left, and the broken branch on the tree on the right.

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See the tracks running right over the landscape timber? I think she had to hug that side of the driveway on her way off the property in order to miss the branch she knocked down going into the property.

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And she came so close to the cactus that she knocked several pads off.

I've tried leaving the gate closed and only open wide enough to walk through, but she gets out of her car and opens the gate all the way.

The last time (before this time) she was here she broke one of the pots in front of the fence.

But the worst of it is she told me she drives for Uber to make some extra $$!!!!!

It's kind of funny, but driving for Uber should be a big no no for her!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
It's kind of funny, but driving for Uber should be a big no no for her!

I don't think she even realizes the damage she does. She just keeps right on going, even though she has bumped up and across a 4" landscape timber. And she really should have heard her car breaking that tree limb, but she didn't even go around to that side of her car to see if there was a scratch.

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