Pretend Chat 2.14


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
I had to do a seek and find in the leopard yard tonight and when I found my big female babcock I was really surprised by her weight. Tomorrow I'm going to have to take some pictures and weigh her. She's pretty heavy. The bad part about having a big shrub for them to hide under (which leopards really, really like to do) is that one has to crawl on their hands and knees to get the darned animal out from under! And they can grab onto the dirt with those front claws making it pretty difficult to pull them out.

Was she in burmation?


Well-Known Member
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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
I'm sitting at the chiro office waiting for my turn. Actually my husband is going 1st and I'm having my consult and look over my X-rays and then a treatment.
That's what I have to do. Last week I fell hard and landed on my tailbone! It sent shock waves up my spine and into my skull. A second later I got a nasty migraine. It didn't last long, so I didn't go to the ER. BUT, after a few days, every bone, joint, and muscle in my body began to spaz. I still can't walk right. I need to have xrays done and evaluated. So, yeah, I can relate.

Len B

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Congratulations on the Anniversary Jacqui and Jeff,. Hope you have many more. Our number 41 was Sunday Things haven't gone well this week starting Sunday. Betty has been running back and forth from house to house My oldest sons mother in law has been sick and she died Tuesday at the young age of 49 ,she turned 49 on our anniversary Sunday.I believe there is going to be a get together at her house and my maryland house and her house in Prince Frederick.


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
That's what I have to do. Last week I fell hard and landed on my tailbone! It sent shock waves up my spine and into my skull. A second later I got a nasty migraine. It didn't last long, so I didn't go to the ER. BUT, after a few days, every bone, joint, and muscle in my body began to spaz. I still can't walk right. I need to have xrays done and evaluated. So, yeah, I can relate.

Ouch! I hope it works for you!

My office uses the Activator Method which I love! It's better than having them manually manipulate your body while it cracks and pops.
It's pretty cool.
Have you heard of it?


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
We aren't allowed to make any improvements to the house until we own it, and the bank that owns it refuses to, so as part of our rehab loan we are going to have to pay a contractor to do a bunch of things that we could do for nothing and it's really got me ticked off. My inspector didn't raise concern about the items that the appraiser nit-picked on and it's really irked me.

Things like putting a couple of wire caps on a broken ceiling fan (that we just wanted to replace ourselves) and "mold abatement" around the kitchen sink. Let me tell you a thing about Oregon. It's WET here. This house has been closed up and uninhabited for over a year. No wonder there is SURFACE mildew. That and cracks in the linoleum in the utility room.

My contractor is a good understanding guy who is really fair, but I might just head down there with a screwdriver, a rag and some bleach and take care of some of these issues before he can go make an estimate on them.

Another thing that grinds my gears is that the appraiser called the home 'uninhabitable' in it's current state and cited pet damage. What is the pet damage? The carpets are uggggggly. They are dirty and stained but completely in tact and not threadbare. We planned on seeing if they would shampoo, but probably tearing them out ourselves because there is probably hardwood under them. (The rest of the house has GORGEOUS oak floors)

*Hops off soap box*

Long story short, you are all invited to the house warming party. Bring Ramen and a bag of tortoise weeds. We may be broke AF for a while.

I feel your frustration!! Just breathe and take it one day at a time.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
Congratulations on the Anniversary Jacqui and Jeff,. Hope you have many more. Our number 41 was Sunday Things haven't gone well this week starting Sunday. Betty has been running back and forth from house to house My oldest sons mother in law has been sick and she died Tuesday at the young age of 49 ,she turned 49 on our anniversary Sunday.I believe there is going to be a get together at her house and my maryland house and her house in Prince Frederick.

So sorry! She was definitely way too young!!


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
I had to do a seek and find in the leopard yard tonight and when I found my big female babcock I was really surprised by her weight. Tomorrow I'm going to have to take some pictures and weigh her. She's pretty heavy. The bad part about having a big shrub for them to hide under (which leopards really, really like to do) is that one has to crawl on their hands and knees to get the darned animal out from under! And they can grab onto the dirt with those front claws making it pretty difficult to pull them out.

That doesn't sound fun!
It's amazing how strong even the little ones are.


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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
I just bought a Manouria hatchling from Siegel Reptiles. I think they're in Florida.

Does this mean you won't be getting the hump?

How exciting!! What prompted you?
When does it arrive?

I never thought about a hump! I don't think my neck bones would cause a hump.
Maybe your upper back and bad posture would cause that.

I'm kinda sore tonight. Just icing everything. I got scolded for using a heating pad.

Yvonne G

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Congratulations on the Anniversary Jacqui and Jeff,. Hope you have many more. Our number 41 was Sunday Things haven't gone well this week starting Sunday. Betty has been running back and forth from house to house My oldest sons mother in law has been sick and she died Tuesday at the young age of 49 ,she turned 49 on our anniversary Sunday.I believe there is going to be a get together at her house and my maryland house and her house in Prince Frederick.

Aw, geez Len. that's awful. My husband was also 49 when he died (many years ago & I'm over it, so don't need any consolations, anyone, thank you anyway). How far is it between the two houses?

Yvonne G

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I went to sleep about 10:30p and woke up about 11:30p. My body must've said, "Hm...that was a nice nap!" because I couldn't go back to sleep. I changed positions back and forth for about an hour, then decided to get up and read or something. Here it is after 1, and I'm still not sleepy...hungry, but not sleepy.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
Congratulations on the Anniversary Jacqui and Jeff,. Hope you have many more. Our number 41 was Sunday Things haven't gone well this week starting Sunday. Betty has been running back and forth from house to house My oldest sons mother in law has been sick and she died Tuesday at the young age of 49 ,she turned 49 on our anniversary Sunday.I believe there is going to be a get together at her house and my maryland house and her house in Prince Frederick.

Sorry Len. Hopefully all the bad is over with.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
10 Year Member!
Aug 28, 2007
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A Land Far Away...
I went to sleep about 10:30p and woke up about 11:30p. My body must've said, "Hm...that was a nice nap!" because I couldn't go back to sleep. I changed positions back and forth for about an hour, then decided to get up and read or something. Here it is after 1, and I'm still not sleepy...hungry, but not sleepy.

My day is just starting and I could use a nap.


Well-Known Member
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Aug 3, 2011
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San Diego
I went to sleep about 10:30p and woke up about 11:30p. My body must've said, "Hm...that was a nice nap!" because I couldn't go back to sleep. I changed positions back and forth for about an hour, then decided to get up and read or something. Here it is after 1, and I'm still not sleepy...hungry, but not sleepy.

It's not a good feeling tossing and turning! You must have a lot on your mind.
I bet you caught a bunch of spammers last night!

Yvonne G

Old Timer
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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Yes, I did catch those spammers! I was able to beat Cameron to the punch. He's usually here before I get a chance at them.

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